bring back branding for extreme crimanls..let everyone know

DIYtiler said:
Obviously no one is taking this serously,
I'm sure everyone takes the subject as a whole very seriously. It's just some of the lunatic solutions which spring up from time to time which promote such p**s-taking.
which is why our children are being molested over and over.
Which children are being molested over and over? How many children are being molested over and over? How common is this sort of act? I think it is extremely rare, but you will never eliminate it entirely, whatever crazy punishments you invent. You think that the threat of tatooing or branding will prevent people from committing a crime, then how come in the US the threat of spending years on death row and then being executed doesn't stop people committing crimes?
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hermes said:
DIYtiler said:
Obviously no one is taking this serously,
I'm sure everyone takes the subject as a whole very seriously. It's just some of the lunatic solutions which spring up from time to time which promote such p**s-taking.
which is why our children are being molested over and over.
Which children are being molested over and over? How many children are being molested over and over? How common is this sort of act? I think it is extremely rare, but you will never eliminate it entirely, whatever crazy punishments you invent. You think that the threat of tatooing or branding will prevent people from committing a crime, then how come in the US the threat of spending years on death row and then being executed doesn't stop people committing crimes?

There are about 5 child abductions and murders a year on average. the figure is constant and has been since records began. Most reported abuse takes place in the family, not by strangers
Pickles - the rabid idiots have made their minds up, please don't try to confuse them with the facts...
ban-all-sheds said:
Pickles - the rabid idiots have made their minds up, please don't try to confuse them with the facts...

I'm a natural optimist, if you keep trying sometimes you get a rational debate

I always want to talk about protecting kids from the 200 plus deaths and thousands of maimings they suffer a year on the roads which is actually the biggest risk they face, but no one listens, they prefer to go on about bashing sex offenders after the event

I see that my suggestion that we pay a bit more tax to fund the police so that they can actually tackle the issue properly instead of being overstretched and underfunded has created the usual deafening silence

Freddie,Slogger et al put your hands in your pockets if you care so much
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pickles said:
I'm a natural optimist, if you keep trying sometimes you get a rational debate

I always want to talk about protecting kids from the 200 plus deaths and thousands of maimings they suffer a year on the roads which is actually the biggest risk they face, but no one listens, they prefer to go on about bashing sex offenders after the event

I see that my suggestion that we pay a bit more tax to fund the police so that they can actually tackle the issue properly instead of being overstretched and underfunded has created the usual deafening silence

Freddie,Slogger et al put your hands in your pockets if you care so much

By rational debate do you mean bringing people round to your way of thinking?

Kids being killed or injured on the roads is a separate issue. I have no idea how you could stop this. All drivers must have had many I-pod listening or text writing kids walk in front of them, with little or no warning. You make it sound like the motorists are always at fault, which is often not the case at all.

The police are an outmoded institution whose staff retire too early and have far to much time off on the sick.The present government, for all its faults, have increased public spending on the police already with little to show for this investment.

Only today I went past a relatively minor car crash and there were FOUR police cars on the scene. I could understand this on dangerous motorways etc, but this was on a minor side road. The policemen were stood in a group laughing and joking, it is all about priorities not funding.
"Moz do you have Children?"


"I do, and one of mine was molested, I am still outraged that his sentence was 6 weeks for child rape"

6 weeks !!!??? .... WEEKS !???? surely you mean years .. this would never happen when was this in the 1800s ....!?!?

The UK Courts of Justice would never "ALLOW" such a leniant sentence for Rape ......!!!!!!!!!


If these sick men are caught put them away for LIFE...

an has been mentioned maybe we should be trying to catch these men BEFORE they attack kids .....or would that take all the fun out of branding them for many here :) :)

good points ;)

Prevention ... would help

as you say this is just a another Rant thread , the Rabid rent-a-mob here dont want to discuss/debate real answers ...
Your right moz. But I am not talking about branding. I'm talking about some kind of a tatoo. You will never find out who will do this untill they do it, so preventitive at first is impossible. But, if they do, and are not sentenced to a long term in prison, We need to protect are children when they do get out from further harm...what else would you suggest? A 357?

Pickels I have no idea where you got your information but it is so wrong. Here are some articals I found on the web.

Child Molester Statistics

"The serial killer has the same personality characteristics as the sex offender against children"
-Dr. Mace Knapp, Nevada State Prison Psychologist.

• The most serious and chronic offenders often show signs of antisocial behavior as early as the preschool years. (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) (was in Juvenile Justice Bulletin: Nov 1998 OJJDP: U.S. Department of Justice)

• Dr. Gene Abel estimates that between 1% and 5% of our population molest children
-CNN Specials Transcript #454-Thieves of Childhood.
• Nearly all the offenders in sexual assaults reported to law enforcement were male (96%).
-Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• Overall, 23% of sexual assault offenders were under the 18 and 77% were adults
-Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• 40% of the offenders of victims under age 6 were themselves juveniles. A similar proportion (39%) of offenders of victims ages 6 through 11 were also juveniles. For older juvenile victims, the proportion of juvenile offenders dropped to 27%.
- Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

•Adults were the offender in 60% of the sexual assaults of youth under age 12. Rarely were the offenders of young victims strangers. Strangers were the offender in just 3% of sexual assaults against victims under age 6 and 5% of the sexual assault of victimizations of youth ages 6 through 11.
-Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• 1 in 5 violent offenders serving time in a state prison reported having victimized a child.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• 2/3 of all prisoners convicted of rape or sexual assault had committed their crime against a child.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• Acquaintance perpetrators are the most common abusers, constituting approximately 70-90% of all reported perpetrators.
-Finkelhor, D. 1994.

• 89% of child sexual assault cases involve persons known to the child, such as a caretaker or family acquaintance.
-Diana Russell Survey, 1978

• 29% of child sexual abuse offenders are relatives, 60% are acquaintances, and only 11% are strangers.
-Diana Russell, The Secret Trauma, NY:Basic Books, 1986.

• For the vast majority of child victimizers in State prison, the victim was someone they knew before the crime. 1/3 had committed their crime against their own child, about 1/2 had a relationship with the victim as a friend, acquaintance, or relative other than offspring, about 1 in 7 reported the victim to have been a stranger to them.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• 3/4 of the violent victimizations of children took place in either the victim's home or the offenders home.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• Males are reported to be the abusers in 80-95% of cases
-Thoringer, D., et al., 1988.

• About 60% of the male survivors sampled report at least one of their perpetrators to be female.
-Mendel, 1993.

• All but 3% of offenders who committed violent crimes against children were male.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

•The typical offender is male, begins molesting by age 15, engages in a variety of deviant behavior, and molests an average of 117 youngsters, most of whom do not report the offense.
-Dr. Gene Abel in a National Institute of Mental Health Study.

• Offenders who had victimized a child were on average 5 years older than the violent offenders who had committed their crimes against adults. Nearly 25% of child victimizers were age 40 or older, but about 10% of the inmates with adult victims fell in that range.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• 71% of male offenders are under the age of 35.
-Dr. Ann Burges, Dr. Nicholas Groth, et al. in a study of imprisoned offenders.

• 3/4 of sexual predators are younger than 35. About 80% are of normal intelligence or above.
-Profiles from the FBI Academy and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

• Though officially, not considered abuse, the highest incidence of incest occurs among siblings.
-Waterman & Lusk, 1986.

• Many clinical settings currently are witnessing a dramatic increase in the number of adolescent offenders who have committed sexually aggressive acts against other children.
-Conte, Jon R., 1986.

• While nearly 70% of those serving time for violent crimes against children were white, whites accounted for 40% of those imprisoned for violent crimes against adults.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• Inmates who victimized children were less likely than other inmates to have a prior criminal record-nearly 1/3 of child victimizers had never been arrested prior to the current offense, compared to less than 20% of those who victimized adults.
--BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• Violent child victimizers were substantially more likely than those with adult victims to have been physically or sexually abused when they were children..
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• 50% of reported child molestations involve the use of physical force and child molesters produce as much visible physical injury as rapists-39% of victims.
-Dr. Gene Abel in a National Institute of Mental Health Study.

• About 14% of child victimizers carried a weapon during the violent crime, compared to nearly 1/2 of those who victimized adults.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• About 10% of violent offenders with child victims received life or death sentences and the average prison term was 11 years, somewhat shorter average sentences than received by those with adult victims.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• More than 1/2 of all convicted sex offenders are sent back to prison within a year. Within 2 years, 77.9% are back.
-California Department of Corrections.

• Recidivism rates range from 18-45%. The more violent the crime the more likelihood of repeating.
-Studies by the state of Washington.

• 3 in 10 child victimizers reported that they had committed their crimes against multiple victims: they were more likely than those who victimized adults to have had multiple victims.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• Like rape, child molestation is one of the most underreported crimes: only 1-10% are ever disclosed.
-FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin.

• The behavior is highly repetitive, to the point of compulsion, rather than resulting from a lack of judgment.
-Dr. Ann Burges, Dr. Nicholas Groth, et al. in a study of imprisoned offenders.
DIYtiler said:
Pickels I have no idea where you got your information but it is so wrong. Here are some articals I found on the web.

Child Molester Statistics
1) Those are from the USA, not the UK

2) Not one of those headlines shows or even hints that Pickles was wrong to say that the number of children abused and harmed by strangers each year has been more-or-less constant since time immemorial.
DIYtiler said:
Dr. Gene Abel estimates that between 1% and 5% of our population molest children
Crikey the News of the World would have a field day if this was true. What does Dr Gene Abel define as molesting? It can mean "To disturb, interfere with, or annoy. " I would like to point out that on this basis my children regularly molest me and I get no protection from the law.

DIYTiler how can you compare crime figures in the USA with crime figures here?
This from the BBC: "Moreover despite the impact of zero tolerance policies, New York City's homicide rate - at 16.8 - is eight times London's."

How can you compare crime figures from two countries? And also bear in mind that New York State has the death penalty in force. Doesn't seem to be particularly effective, does it?
Dr. Gene Abel became interested in the study of sexuality, and bought a circumferential strain gauge and transducer.
umm! would you trust this guy to look after your children :eek:
Richardp said:
Dr. Gene Abel became interested in the study of sexuality, and bought a circumferential strain gauge and transducer.
umm! would you trust this guy to look after your children :eek:
Do you tink he has a mittel-european accent and has eyes that point in different directions through jam-jar glasses? Does he have a pair of calipers sticking out of the pocket of his lab-coat? Can you buy a circumferential strain gauge at Anne Summers? :eek:
You are all picking with statistics and countries. If even one of our children is molested, it is too many... Your doing a debate on debating. Who gives a freck if it is BBC, USA or any where. This crime is on the rise. Stop picking apart numbers an countries and talk about your ideas of what can be done to prevent this sick compulsive crime against our children. Most molesters repeat their crime over and over on the adverage of 10 or more times. This is the point I am making it is a repeated crime. So how do you make other people know that this person has done this? When you state well it is only 6 or 5 a year, oh well. I can't believe you even said that. Or the fact well, it isn't a violent crime? You've got to be kidding. This crime will last in the heads of our children the rest of their lives, if they live through it. It will change the way they think, their relationships with everyone. Who gives a damn if it is a stranger or family or friends that has done this. Do you realize that every 4 minutes a child is molested by someone? The jail sentences are on the adverage of 1 to 10 years, letting them out to repeat this compulsive crime again. They blend into crowds and and our neighborhoods, so how will you know that the person next door to your children is a molester?
Regarding Dr. Able. You need to research before you open you mouth in sick jokes.

Gene G. Abel, M.D. – Research & Publications
Gene G. Abel, M.D. is a full professor of Psychiatry who has taught at several medical schools, including Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Abel is currently affiliated with Emory University School of Medicine and Morehouse School of Medicine.

Dr. Abel, who has been a research scientist in the field of sexual violence for more than 30 years, is at the top of his field, both nationally and internationally.

He is past President of the National Society for Behavioral Medicine, a Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, a diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and a member of the International Academy of Sex Research. As full professor, he has been a research psychiatrist at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, has been on the faculty, and conducted research at several medical schools, including Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and Emory University Medical School. In addition, Dr. Abel has trained criminal justice personnel in Georgia, New York, California, Texas, Florida, Maine, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Alabama. He has also trained U.S. Navy and Air Force personnel to manage the sex offender populations in their brigs.

He has presented his research in the United States, China, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Venezuela, Sweden, Germany, Israel, and England

He has been awarded funding to conduct nine major studies. In addition to his work on cardiac control, sickle cell disease and diabetes, the National Institute of Mental Health has awarded him funding for six long-term studies to investigate sexual violence and to design new ways to stop it.

Abel Screening, Inc. (ASI) was formed in 1995 to provide therapists and criminal justice professionals with tests that will protect communities from sex abusers – in particular, products to protect children from sexual abuse.

Gene G. Abel, M.D., who formed the company in 1995, had spent the previous eight years developing a new technology to measure a person's sexual interests in 22 categories with emphasis on his/her sexual interest in children.
ban-all-sheds said:
Slogger said:
B.A.S wheres your answer
What answer? What does it have to do with you wanting to maim people you don't like?

would u kill to defend your country ? come on B.A.S its not off topic its just my way or cornering you into saying yes or no :LOL:
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