bring back branding for extreme crimanls..let everyone know

regarding the child killers

why waste time and money on them ( HANG THEM ) even that is too good for them but i allow for the limpys sence of human rights, even though its misplaced

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Slogger said:
regarding the child killers

why waste time and money on them ( HANG THEM ) even that is too good for them but i allow for the limpys sence of human rights, even though its misplaced

Hey! slogger your going soft mate, keep your guard up.
DIYtiler said:
Regarding Dr. Able. You need to research before you open you mouth in sick jokes.

Gene G. Abel, M.D. – Research & Publications
Gene G. Abel, M.D. is a full professor of Psychiatry who has taught at several medical schools, including Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Abel is currently affiliated with Emory University School of Medicine and Morehouse School of Medicine.

Dr. Abel, who has been a research scientist in the field of sexual violence for more than 30 years, is at the top of his field, both nationally and internationally.

He is past President of the National Society for Behavioral Medicine, a Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, a diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and a member of the International Academy of Sex Research. As full professor, he has been a research psychiatrist at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, has been on the faculty, and conducted research at several medical schools, including Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and Emory University Medical School. In addition, Dr. Abel has trained criminal justice personnel in Georgia, New York, California, Texas, Florida, Maine, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Alabama. He has also trained U.S. Navy and Air Force personnel to manage the sex offender populations in their brigs.

He has presented his research in the United States, China, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Venezuela, Sweden, Germany, Israel, and England

He has been awarded funding to conduct nine major studies. In addition to his work on cardiac control, sickle cell disease and diabetes, the National Institute of Mental Health has awarded him funding for six long-term studies to investigate sexual violence and to design new ways to stop it.

Abel Screening, Inc. (ASI) was formed in 1995 to provide therapists and criminal justice professionals with tests that will protect communities from sex abusers – in particular, products to protect children from sexual abuse.

Gene G. Abel, M.D., who formed the company in 1995, had spent the previous eight years developing a new technology to measure a person's sexual interests in 22 categories with emphasis on his/her sexual interest in children.

A piece of research by 1 doctor, very interesting. You can't on it's own use this to support your case. Just spouting a piece of American research you find on the internert doesn't get us anywhere. Iv'e never heard of doctor Able and I sure you haven't either, who knows how good his reasearch is

It actually supports my argument, what I am saying is that we need to spend more of our money ie TAX THE THING NO ONE WANTS TO PAY on prevention and research like this, branding people is not prevention it is retribution and a waste of time and energy talking about it

In the Uk there are about 5 child abductions and murders every year and that has been constant for very many years, If you think about it , you hear about 1 or 2 cases a year on average in the media and only the worst ones get into the news, Huntley etc, they are not all reported. Most abuse takes place in the family, not by strangers and is difficult to detect, branding the parent of an abused child doesn't solve anything it just adds to the stigma the family go's through, its a completely silly idea that no one has thought through properly

Road traffic accounts for about 200 child deaths a year and thousands of serious injuries, most of which does'nt get reported and a lot of which is preventable. If we are going to have a sensible debate you have to accept that the risk of abduction and injury to a child is much less than the risk of being run over and injured or killed. It's common sense, if your child go's out the front door what is the most immediate and obvious threat.

I am not suggesting that this is not a serious problem but we need to step back from the hysteria and actually work out what needs attention The fact is that avoiding road injury should be at least as high priority for us because statistically that is where the greatest risk of death and injury lies. Likewise with drug and alcohol abuse in this country which is seriously out of hand and a very real threat to child safety in every possible way

Unfortunately no one wants to have a debate like that, because it's boring old road safety and no one much cares about alcohol abuse, its much more fun to get angry and hysterical about pedos and talk about branding people,

That's my point people only want to talk about this issue because it' s the one that gets everyone angry
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there should be mandatory speed limits in inner citys and near schools there is no excuse for allowing cars to do 30 mph when there are kids around

i cringe when i see it and the worste offenders and the mothers picking there own kids up

get them cameras near schools and i will not only stop burning them but i will do my bit to keep them clean :LOL:

20 mph is even too fast when faced with a pavement full of lil kiddies :eek:

i would actively support anything that would aid in the lowering of these figures

in my street we have a 30 limit and shed loads of young un playing out

in the next street ( totally private estate there is a 20 mph zone no younguns to be seen ever??? )

weird isnt it that the powers that be dont wake up to these sad facts

how many of these children are killed by riding on those mini motorbikes ? are there any figures

why are they allowed to be sold there is nowhere for them to be used legally
Slogger said:
there should be mandatory speed limits in inner citys and near schools there is no excuse for allowing cars to do 30 mph when there are kids around

i cringe when i see it and the worste offenders and the mothers picking there own kids up

get them cameras near schools and i will not only stop burning them but i will do my bit to keep them clean :LOL:

20 mph is even too fast when faced with a pavement full of lil kiddies :eek:

i would actively support anything that would aid in the lowering of these figures

in my street we have a 30 limit and shed loads of young un playing out

in the next street ( totally private estate there is a 20 mph zone no younguns to be seen ever??? )

weird isnt it that the powers that be dont wake up to these sad facts

how many of these children are killed by riding on those mini motorbikes ? are there any figures

why are they allowed to be sold there is nowhere for them to be used legally

Totally agree with you Slogger
I also agree with slogger on this one, yet someone was asking how to get a map of the speed traps, you shouldnt need one.
DIYtiler said:
You are all picking with statistics and countries.
Then why don't you stop quoting irrelevant ones?

Your doing a debate on debating.
Confuses you, does it?

Who gives a freck if it is BBC, USA or any where.
Is the BBC a country now?

This crime is on the rise.
Apparently not.

Stop picking apart numbers an countries
Why? Are you not interested in the truth?

and talk about your ideas of what can be done to prevent this sick compulsive crime against our children.
You've been given an idea - spend more money, possibly a lot more money, on research into ways to prevent it.

Sadly, of course, sick monsters like you are more interested in preventing recurrence, by means of depraved violence.
Slogger said:
come on B.A.S its not off topic
Of course it is.

its just my way or cornering you into saying yes or no :LOL:
Oh I realise that, and I also realise that you'll use my answer to draw some fatuous conclusion.

So - never let it be said that I failed to give you yet another opportunity to demonstrate how stupid you can be.

would u kill to defend your country ?
I don't know.
You've been given an idea - spend more money, possibly a lot more money, on research into ways to prevent it.

Sadly, of course, sick monsters like you are more interested in preventing recurrence, by means of depraved violence.

Sick monsters like me? You fecking idiot. I'm an not more interested in preventing reoccurence by violence. I'm telling you that you don't know who will do this crime till they do it. How the hell does that make me a sick monster? A tatoo isn't violence, it is a warning. I wish there were preventive medicine but unfortunately there isn't. Are you willing to wait for research to produce something in years ahead before it comes out? It is a gene problem or it is from being molested themselves which starts a chain reaction. I didn't just quote one Dr. If you go back and read there are many that I did quote from.. Maybe you should learn to read instead of giving your nothing comments. You talk about Just BBC stats. What about the whole world. This is a problem world wide, open your eyes. Or are you so small minded that you are only interested in what is happening in your area?
ban-all-sheds said:
Slogger said:
come on B.A.S its not off topic
Of course it is.

its just my way or cornering you into saying yes or no :LOL:
Oh I realise that, and I also realise that you'll use my answer to draw some fatuous conclusion.

So - never let it be said that I failed to give you yet another opportunity to demonstrate how stupid you can be.

would u kill to defend your country ?
I don't know.
to kill or not to kill that is the question on the thread

ok so your on the sidlines :LOL: nothing we didnt know there eh

of course you would kill to defend you country and your loved ones u aint a conshy as much as i aint a limpy good on yer m8 :LOL:

you are here to debate,an put "your" ideas forward ,dont get all sulky /upset when you just copy/paste this Doctors thesis ..
regarding your points on branding an tattoos , its far to late then , these kind of human anomalies /Paedos, need to be caught an locked up those at low risk need to be released an chemically castrated ...

you can just imagine that Craaaaaazzy Doctor that Muppet Show
Dr. Bunsen Honeydew with his assistant,

you are going soft ,lol..
good points on Road safety though , more kids are killed by Road Accidents in one month than by child abuse in 6 months time frame ,the conviction/crime rates last month have shown child sex abuse is down ...
maybe those we should brand is the dangerous/killer drivers

some very good points again ...

"sick monsters like you "
I think that was rather harsh ...uncalled for :(
we can all see where he stands on branding /hate mobs attacking paedos...
DIYtiler has his right too express his feelings ....however WRONG an Idiotic they are ... ;)

slogger =Superhero !
"to kill or not to kill that is the question on the thread "
LOl NO ITS NOT Its about branding an marking sex offenders
this infatuation you have with B.A.S is borderline Stalking :)
If I offenders and paedofiles must register with the state that they live in after being released from prison and this is public information-you can see who is living next door to you. It does not prevent the first time...but it can greatly decrease the next time.
Moz wrote,
some very good points again ...
Really? like this one.
My own view is that we should all pay at least 5p more in income tax to recruit and train specialist units that would go out and pro actively hunt sex offenders in an effort to detect and control them before they offend and then monitor them permanently, if necessary on a daily basis
I may have this all wrong, but how can anyone be an offender before they offend? furthermore, if someone hasn't committed an offence what gives you the right to have them "monitored"?
A piece of research by 1 doctor, very interesting. You can't on it's own use this to support your case. Just spouting a piece of American research you find on the internert doesn't get us anywhere. Iv'e never heard of doctor Able and I sure you haven't either, who knows how good his reasearch is
Obviously you disagree with the above(posted by DIYtiler) it is nonetheless a piece of research, albiet not from the UK. On the otherhand you have quoted figures
In the Uk there are about 5 child abductions and murders every year and that has been constant for very many years, If you think about it , you hear about 1 or 2 cases a year on average in the media and only the worst ones get into the news, Huntley etc, they are not all reported.
which you expect people to accept at face value.

The following is also confusing the issue.
Road traffic accounts for about 200 child deaths a year and thousands of serious injuries, most of which does'nt get reported and a lot of which is preventable. If we are going to have a sensible debate you have to accept that the risk of abduction and injury to a child is much less than the risk of being run over and injured or killed. It's common sense, if your child go's out the front door what is the most immediate and obvious threat.
What have road deaths got to do with this thread?How do you know what doesn't get reported, if it doesn't get reported?

If you want to start a road safety thread then do so.
"Extreme Criminals" !!!!!!!!

Now there's a nice bit of branding already.
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