bring back branding for extreme crimanls..let everyone know

notb665 said:
WoodYouLike said:
Well, at least I have a proper excuse, I'm a foreigner.:D :D
But I stand corrected :oops:

You came to live in this country therefore you should live by our rules, speling and gramer and everything. If you don't like it, you should go back on your banana boat or something. Take your positive contributions and get lost. We really are going to Hell in a hand cart.

Banana boat would be a bit difficult. And if I remember correctly, we did win a war against England (once or twice, we even gave you one of your Kings).

Be careful to not brush every foreigner with the same brush notb65.
Talking of grammar and spelling, still think I do better then some of new posters here (entering a space when starting a new sentence etc, using the spell checker - which is American based ;) - as much and often as possible if it's working) but heck, yes I do make mistakes and if corrected I stand corrected.
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Now then girls ... don't rattle woody's cage .....
Tar calling saucepan black. ;) :D
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WoodYouLike said:
notb665 said:
WoodYouLike said:
Well, at least I have a proper excuse, I'm a foreigner.:D :D
But I stand corrected :oops:

You came to live in this country therefore you should live by our rules, speling and gramer and everything. If you don't like it, you should go back on your banana boat or something. Take your positive contributions and get lost. We really are going to Hell in a hand cart.

Banana boat would be a bit difficult. And if I remember correctly, we did win a war against England (once or twice, we even gave you one of your Kings).

Be careful to not brush every foreigner with the same brush notb65.
Talking of grammar and spelling, still think I do better then some of new posters here (entering a space when starting a new sentence etc, using the spell checker - which is American based ;) - as much and often as possible if it's working) but heck, yes I do make mistakes and if corrected I stand corrected.

Hopefully you can see, by my post having spelling mistakes, complete ignorance and contradiction, and my previous posts (i.e. Aren't the Dutch great?") I am taking the mickey.
I stand corrected :D :D :D :D
But like I siad, foreigners don't always get your English kind of humour (but I'm learning.

;) ;) ;) ;)
WoodYouLike said:
I stand corrected :D :D :D :D
But like I siad, foreigners don't always get your English kind of humour (but I'm learning.

;) ;) ;) ;)

Give us an example of Dutch humour then! :D

At school, my German German teacher said that a typical German joke is "Everything has a beginning, a middle and an end, but a sausage has two ends". We fell silent. But it is funny that a German joke mentions sausages.
Typical Dutch humour?
Well, we like to play with words (like our company name ;))
Or as my partner told me when our insurance broker wanted some polish (for his floor): he has polishes enough (must be his Dutch I'm afraid if you don't 'get' it, he's a worse case than me)
We also like 'deep' humour, where the pennie drops a bit later. Some 'stand-up'comedians combine the two, I like those best.

But if that's typical Dutch humour, or just the humour I appreciate most, I don't know.
markie said:
bas the children didn't deserve to be tortured, mentality,or physically, at the hands of these perverted, brain-dead, uncivilized, poor excuse of a human being. and if they get tortured in jail by other inmates or out of jail no body would/should give a dam.
Except people more civilised than you.
notb665 said:
WoodYouLike said:
Well, at least I have a proper excuse, I'm a foreigner.:D :D
But I stand corrected :oops:

You came to live in this country therefore you should live by our rules, speling and gramer and everything. If you don't like it, you should go back on your banana boat or something. Take your positive contributions and get lost. We really are going to Hell in a hand cart.

Really!? :rolleyes:
Bas o bas, how do you come to a conclusion that i'm a bit less civilised than, say you or the fokes who are agaist the D,P. For a start i have not got a criminal record, i don't go out drinking then at the end of the night go looking for a fight, i don't abuse people when i walk down the street, i open doors for people, i say please and thank you and good morning, i use a knife and fork, i don't racially abuse other nationality's, i don't spit all over the place etc,etc. the only diffrence between me/you is for/agaist of the D,P. so unless you do/have not got/use, evey thing like me then you are less civilised than me. :eek:
Markie - I'm afraid that wanting to kill and maim people as punishment is so egregiously uncivilised that trying to highlight things in your favour like using cutlery, saying please and not spitting is a bit like polishing a turd.

Even if it works, all you've managed to create is a shiny turd - inside it's just the same piece of shit you started with....
Zampa said:
notb665 said:
WoodYouLike said:
Well, at least I have a proper excuse, I'm a foreigner.:D :D
But I stand corrected :oops:

You came to live in this country therefore you should live by our rules, speling and gramer and everything. If you don't like it, you should go back on your banana boat or something. Take your positive contributions and get lost. We really are going to Hell in a hand cart.

Really!? :rolleyes:

You should read ALL of the thread before posting a reply to a post which already has replies to it and has been dealt with. Plus can't you see the ridiculousness of my post anyway?
Bas i have not said onething about wanting to kill or maim the scum myself the only time i said that was if they hurt my kids, and i stand by that, and if that's what you mean by me being less civilised than most, because i would want revenge for my kids, then you all can call me what the f##k you's want
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