bring back branding for extreme crimanls..let everyone know

BAS why are you so against the death penalty for child killers ( don't give me a load of bull, about it will make me as bad as them. because that is a load of tosh and you know it.) Wanting the death penalty DOES NOT make anybody, a want to be killer. if a 80 year old granny says she in favour of the D,P does that make her want to go out and kill someone i dont think so, do you ?

And as for being a squeamish hypocrite how do you come to that assumption, i'v already said that if they ever hurt my kids i will kill them my self if giving the chance, and that is not a threat it's a promise,
I would quite happily press the button/pull the leaver/flick the switch, to end a child killers life and i would have no remorse in doing so, in fact i would probably be considered a hero amongst the mams and dads of the UK if not the world. And guesswhat, that would not make me a killer in the eyes of the law, so i could not be labled a killer apart from the likes of you
Sponsored Links now we have the race issue AND bringing back branding/capital punishment on the same thread......

So...the question that beggers to be asked is..........

What about bringing back branding...but only for non whites?

And before some of you spit out your Tofu and throw your cups of green tea in the air in rage.......I was joking ok :rolleyes:

My take on this......death penalty for those who are hopeless cases and will never be allowed back into society...the rose west the peter sutcliffs..the moors murderers...or those who cannot be cured of their sick addition..i.e kiddy fiddlers..
Moz said:
"ah its ok no need to hire someone there always a like minded soul living near you that will get there hands dirty ( me me me me )

i would do the job as if i was shoveling shi* cos thats what they are "

WHAT A BRAVE Keyboard Commando you are *My HERO*......LOL LOL :) :)
aye thats a compliment if ever i saw one ta very much u and the only way i can prove differnetly is if i show the vids i have and i cant do that without letting the cat out of the bag so catch 22 time aint it m8ty

but your the same as me you wouldnt stand on the sidelines and i dont say your a KB rambo :LOL: your not are u :LOL:
Zampa said: now we have the race issue AND bringing back branding/capital punishment on the same thread......

So...the question that beggers to be asked is..........

What about bringing back branding...but only for non whites?
well then i cant not rise to this

shame on you i already said the white man in this country is wanting equality

we want to be branded too EQUALITY

And before some of you spit out your Tofu and throw your cups of green tea in the air in rage.......I was joking ok :rolleyes:

My take on this......death penalty for those who are hopeless cases and will never be allowed back into society...the rose west the peter sutcliffs..the moors murderers...or those who cannot be cured of their sick addition..i.e kiddy fiddlers..

So...the question that beggers to be asked is..........

What about bringing back branding...but only for non whites?
well then i cant not rise to this

shame on you i already said the white man in this country is wanting equality

we want to be branded too EQUALITY
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markie said:
Can i ask one question to evey one who is a member on this forum.

What do you think of child killers, ?

A lot worse than that pratt blair (police chief). Who on one hand says it's all under control, the reality being that there are so many murders going on each day even the press can't keep up with them, so we got a police chief so confused he cant even see the enormity of the Soham Murders
chattering classes getting muddled now!!!!!!
markie said:
Wanting the death penalty DOES NOT make anybody, a want to be killer. if a 80 year old granny says she in favour of the D,P does that make her want to go out and kill someone i dont think so, do you ?
No difference, granny is asking someone else to do it for her.
markie said:
Can i ask one question to evey one who is a member on this forum.

What do you think of child killers, ?
Any killers is sick let alone a child.
E love forums to bits we found the racist monkey here ....



stone cold dead ..??
I wouldnt say any killer is sick...some quite sane people have killed in the heat of the moment..

But any killer should be treated the same, a child killer is probably evil minded enough to kill an adult anyway..

A child abuser IMO is in the same classification though

All should be locked up for life...real life...whats the point in giving a nonce 5, 10, 15 years...he will be just the same when he comes out...

and no segregation!
masona feel free to post your point of view which is much appreciated, but it was more a question for BAS as he say's if you want the death penalty that means you are/or want to klll some one, but can you see a old lady wanting to kill someone
masona said:
markie said:
Wanting the death penalty DOES NOT make anybody, a want to be killer. if a 80 year old granny says she in favour of the D,P does that make her want to go out and kill someone i dont think so, do you ?
No difference, granny is asking someone else to do it for her.
markie said:
Can i ask one question to evey one who is a member on this forum.

What do you think of child killers, ?
Any killers is sick let alone a child.
answer the question about child killers please nothing else will do

(Re: BAS) You may have all the opinions in the world on this subject(which has been done many times),but have you ever thought for 1 second in your narrow minded view on life,that this subject hasnt affected somebody on this forum for real.You may slag slogger etc off but they might have a valid reason for feeling the way they do,nobody knows.Keep your opinions to yourself.God help that anything should happen to anyone that you love and care about,because when you know first hand you might think other wise and change your point off view.Practise What You Preach
Moz said:
E love forums to bits we found the racist monkey here ....



stone cold dead ..??

ok moz if u have offended u personally i am sorry i wouldnt do that on purpose but i have to stand by my convictions ( oh oh ) and them being white people in the uk are being shafted

we want out equal rights to a fair and just system
mandiehun be ready to be told off by the head teacher, sir bas, say anything wrong and he will give you detention. because his veiw is allways right. no matter the topic. :LOL:
markie said:
masona feel free to post your point of view which is much appreciated, but it was more a question for BAS as he say's if you want the death penalty that means you are/or want to klll some one, but can you see a old lady wanting to kill someone
Just because an old lady can't or won't do it, so get someone else to do it on her behalf is no difference is it? If you agreed to the death penalty that is what you're doing whether you or anybody else does it.

If you paid someone to be killed what the difference?
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