bring back branding for extreme crimanls..let everyone know

markie said:
Bas i have not said onething about wanting to kill or maim the scum myself
True - you want someone else to do yor dirty work. But as I observed in another thread, if you hire someone to carry out a murder, you are guilty of murder yourself.

the only time i said that was if they hurt my kids, and i stand by that,
No you didn't said:
bas the children didn't deserve to be tortured, mentality,or physically, at the hands of these perverted, brain-dead, uncivilized, poor excuse of a human being. and if they get tortured in jail by other inmates or out of jail no body would/should give a dam.

and if that's what you mean by me being less civilised than most, because i would want revenge for my kids, then you all can call me what the f##k you's want
It is, you are, and I shall.
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bas you have misread my post, i never said i would kill them, the only time is if they hurt my kids, other wise i have said they should get the d,p. etc..etc.
And you've misread mine and are ignoring the law.

If you hire someone to carry out a murder, and they do it, you become a murderer yourself - legally there is no difference

The same principle (but not legal situation) applies to the death penalty. If you want the state to kill people on your behalf then you want to be a killer - morally there is no difference.
markie said:
i never said i would kill them, the only time is if they hurt my kids, other wise i have said they should get the d,p. etc..etc.
Okay let try another route, if I said to you lock all murderer away for life by throwing away the keys, do you still want them to face the death penalty?

If you do, then that put you on the same level as a murderer.
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masona said:
markie said:
i never said i would kill them, the only time is if they hurt my kids, other wise i have said they should get the d,p. etc..etc.
Okay let try another route, if I said to you lock all murderer away for life by throwing away the keys, do you still want them to face the death penalty?

If you do, then that put you on the same level as a murderer.

That's not possible, you've thrown away the key to their cell :D Doh!!
Eddie M said:

That's not possible, you've thrown away the key to their cell :D Doh!!

Now that would be murder if the bog paper ran out. ;)
Bas if the state kills them that does not make me a killer, or want to be a killer, if thats the case there is a lot of want to be killers in a america.

masona if they lock them up and throw away the key that will do ( because they will starve to death or go mental and self harm themselfs to a extent that they will perish from the face of the earth then go to hell.)
markie said:
masona if they lock them up and throw away the key that will do ( because they will starve to death or go mental and self harm themselfs to a extent that they will perish from the face of the earth then go to hell.)

Sadly that wont happen, they will be let out secretly on rehab, some might well be in a 'safe house' near you or any of us. right now.
ah its ok no need to hire someone there always a like minded soul living near you that will get there hands dirty ( me me me me )

i would do the job as if i was shoveling shi* cos thats what they are

then again COWARDS would say it was illegal but fook the law cos they aint doin nuffin to stop it iz they

ps no spill chacker wuz hurt makin this
masona said:
markie said:
i never said i would kill them, the only time is if they hurt my kids, other wise i have said they should get the d,p. etc..etc.
Okay let try another route, if I said to you lock all murderer away for life by throwing away the keys, do you still want them to face the death penalty?

If you do, then that put you on the same level as a murderer.
what a load of shi**

we want revenge how the fu** does that make us the same as a kiddy killer > wtf r u on m8ty time to stop taking it what ever it is as its clouding your judgement :eek:

come on lets do them all and have some fun :LOL: muhahahhahahaha
I fully agree with the branding Slogger, as you are being criminal in stirring up racial hatred on this forum i suggest you be the first to be branded! will you volunteer or have to be forced?
Slogger said:
what a load of shi**

we want revenge how the fu** does that make us the same as a kiddy killer > wtf r u on m8ty

Elsewhere said:
securespark said:
A few choice Anglo-saxon words here wouldn't go amiss.

How about "F*** o**, Slogger!"

Well, two out of three ain't bad...
well then

now u wont see me swearing like this

And he also said:
and please no more swearing and cursing m8 its old and makes u look daft :LOL:
markie said:
Bas if the state kills them that does not make me a killer, or want to be a killer,
If you want the state to kill them it does.

Or are you such a squeamish hypocrite that you want them killed but you would not be prepared to do it yourself, and think that this somehow absolves you from moral responsibility?

if thats the case there is a lot of want to be killers in a america.
Indeed there are.
kendor said:
I fully agree with the branding Slogger, as you are being criminal in stirring up racial hatred on this forum i suggest you be the first to be branded! will you volunteer or have to be forced?
IF and its a big if

i could actually agree there was such as word as racist ( i still think its a pc word) then if that would make me stand out of the crowd as a person that doesnt want any stinking fugees or mus**** in this country then yes BRAND ME it would be a badge to be proud of and wouild instill fear in those whos paths you may cross that cross u :LOL:

RACIST is a pc word not to be handed out by fully funtioning members of society its purely to be used by limpys as a tool to hide behind

stiring up racial hatred ??? where i live it has been stirred already m8ty and the catalyst is just waiting to be poured in

what have it got to lose ? my liberty
:LOL: i think not baby puppy as whos going to point the finger at me ? no one in my society ( neighbourhood ) would as i am there saviour

ps on one of the post i told you about the fuggees looking for gardening work that where sorted by some locals and u said you hoped the locals got what they deserved

well i just found out they got what they deserved

one got a lawnmower one got a hedge cutter one got a strimmer fook knows who got the wheel barrow :LOL: [/code]
"ah its ok no need to hire someone there always a like minded soul living near you that will get there hands dirty ( me me me me )

i would do the job as if i was shoveling shi* cos thats what they are "

WHAT A BRAVE Keyboard Commando you are *My HERO*......LOL LOL :) :)
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