British expats in EU launch Brexit legal challenge

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It affects us all but its about us that live on this island
It affects all BOT citizens also. They are currently in EU.
Britain's Overseas Territories
  • Anguilla.
  • Bermuda.
  • British Antarctic Territory.
  • British Indian Ocean Territory.
  • British Virgin Islands.
  • Cayman Islands.
  • Falkland Islands.
  • Gibraltar.
More rubbish from ellal.

They were entitled to a vote the same as everyone else. Ryanair even put a special deal on to fly them home to take part.

You talk about facts and strong points then just spout dogmess.
You really don't have a clue do you...

1. Go away for a while.

2. Consider going back into the education system to learn a few real facts.
(Reception class is surprisingly informative to those who missed out first time around ;))

3. Then come back to us when you have the ability to hold an adult conversation.

But just remember...

Every day is a school day (y)
It affects all BOT citizens also. They are currently in EU.
Britain's Overseas Territories
  • Anguilla.
  • Bermuda.
  • British Antarctic Territory.
  • British Indian Ocean Territory.
  • British Virgin Islands.
  • Cayman Islands.
  • Falkland Islands.
  • Gibraltar.

I'm pretty good with Geography and I'd say the others got no vote as they are not Geographicaly in the EU
I'm pretty good with Geography and I'd say the others got no vote as they are not Geographicaly in the EU
I think you mean that they are not geographically in Europe, but they are in EU by way of the UK being in the EU.
After Brexit they will no longer be in EU.
Yes it does affect them.
They receive grants from EU.
It could seriously disrupt their travel arrangements.
You really don't have a clue do you...

1. Go away for a while.

2. Consider going back into the education system to learn a few real facts.
(Reception class is surprisingly informative to those who missed out first time around ;))

3. Then come back to us when you have the ability to hold an adult conversation.

But just remember...

Every day is a school day (y)
You really are a despicable , condescending sleaze ball. Learn some civility.
I think you mean that they are not geographically in Europe, but they are in EU by way of the UK being in the EU.
After Brexit they will no longer be in EU.
Yes it does affect them.
They receive grants from EU.
It could seriously disrupt their travel arrangements.

I'm not having someone living a life of Riley by a beach in
  • Anguilla.
  • Bermuda.
  • British Antarctic Territory.
  • British Indian Ocean Territory.
  • British Virgin Islands.
  • Cayman Islands.

telling me that I have to stay in the EU
I've only been out for the afternoon and 43 posts.

This quote from the end of the article sums it up:

“We have not taken back control – we have been put in the hands of those that care more about their careers and political party than their country. The UK deserves better, we deserve better, and we will not stop fighting until we succeed.”

I've only been out for the afternoon and 43 posts.

This quote from the end of the article sums it up:

“We have not taken back control – we have been put in the hands of those that care more about their careers and political party than their country. The UK deserves better, we deserve better, and we will not stop fighting until we succeed.”

What would Wolvey Smith Say
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