British Jobs for British People

  • Thread starter Lincsbodger
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The books would balance IF
*people didn't assume a right to get paid for nothing
*people didn't act as if it is the government's job to pay for their breeding
*people stuck to the law and declared ALL their earnings.
*People didn't assume a right to a lifestyle that they have not contributed towards.

Isn't that exactly what the immigrants (legal and otherwise) are doing? They pay for their lifestyle. :?:
Not when they arrive they haven't. They come to this country for a better life which they get despite the fact that they haven't contributed a penny and have instant access to free medical and dental care, housing, job seeker's allowance etc., you name it, they get it
They should only be illegible to get back what they paid in. You go to your bank and ask for money you haven't paid in and see what they say.
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The books would balance IF
*people didn't assume a right to get paid for nothing
*people didn't act as if it is the government's job to pay for their breeding
*people stuck to the law and declared ALL their earnings.
*People didn't assume a right to a lifestyle that they have not contributed towards.

Isn't that exactly what the immigrants (legal and otherwise) are doing? They pay for their lifestyle. :?:

No, we pay in jobs and benefits.
The books would balance IF
*people didn't assume a right to get paid for nothing
*people didn't act as if it is the government's job to pay for their breeding
*people stuck to the law and declared ALL their earnings.
*People didn't assume a right to a lifestyle that they have not contributed towards.

Isn't that exactly what the immigrants (legal and otherwise) are doing? They pay for their lifestyle. :?:
Not when they arrive they haven't. They come to this country for a better life which they get despite the fact that they haven't contributed a penny and have instant access to free medical and dental care, housing, job seeker's allowance etc., you name it, they get it

ACTUALLY a lot of that stuff they have to be wokring for two years to get.
The books would balance IF
*people didn't assume a right to get paid for nothing
*people didn't act as if it is the government's job to pay for their breeding
*people stuck to the law and declared ALL their earnings.
*People didn't assume a right to a lifestyle that they have not contributed towards.

Isn't that exactly what the immigrants (legal and otherwise) are doing? They pay for their lifestyle. :?:

No, we pay in jobs and benefits.

You people have such messed up arguments!

They can afford to undercut British workers because they only pay for one house and live with a lot of people in it...then you argue that they have a lifestyle which they don't pay claim that they are talking all the jobs...and then say within a heartbeat that they are claiming job seekers.

Do any of you actually have a reason why you don't want to compete fairly with foreign workers that ISN'T full of contradictions??
They should only be illegible to get back what they paid in. You go to your bank and ask for money you haven't paid in and see what they say.

Have you never known anyone in the UK to claim more in benefits and services than they have paid in tax??

I bet there is a big proportion of people here that do just that...but you're fine with that I take it. As long as Darius Sozblitzski doesn't quote £100 a day on a site.
I still think your logic is flawed Skitzee. You wouldn't make a very good Vulcan on Startrek.
The govt have admitted that many Eastern Europeans claim family working tax credits, paid into bank accounts in their home country. The checks made are at best lax, at worst, non existant. The treasury admitted last week that they'd probably paid out £600 million in tax credits to EU workers who were not and never were entitled to them.
As I said earlier, it's unscrupulous employers taking advantage of an immigrant workforce who will accept lower wages. Do you think these companies put the cost of their products or services down? Simple answer is no. They make more profit for themselves.
Others have said their bit and yet you have your own rather narrow view, that it's ok to have mass immigration, whatever the cost to British people.
Only today in the papers, comes the news that Britain will have to contribute millions to prop up the Greek Govt's debt. This of course will be paid by less and less taxpayers. So what happens to our National Debt? It's going to spiral out of control while the EU dictate to this once proud country, what we have to spend our money on.
What's the attitude of other European countries to immigration? I think you'll find it's a lot different than ours. Immigrants are discouraged from lots of our EU neighbours. So why can't we do like they do?
Because they force wages down hence they pay less tax hence the ridiculously massive deficit will only get bigger.
They should only be illegible to get back what they paid in. You go to your bank and ask for money you haven't paid in and see what they say.

Have you never known anyone in the UK to claim more in benefits and services than they have paid in tax??

I bet there is a big proportion of people here that do just that...but you're fine with that I take it. As long as Darius Sozblitzski doesn't quote £100 a day on a site.

But our fathers and forefathers have paid in too. What have the immigrants ancestors paid? There should be a qualifying period of 10 years before they become 'equal'.

Darius Sozblitzski? I can't comment on individual cases.
They should only be illegible to get back what they paid in. You go to your bank and ask for money you haven't paid in and see what they say.

Have you never known anyone in the UK to claim more in benefits and services than they have paid in tax??

I bet there is a big proportion of people here that do just that...but you're fine with that I take it. As long as Darius Sozblitzski doesn't quote £100 a day on a site.

But our fathers and forefathers have paid in too. What have the immigrants ancestors paid? There should be a qualifying period of 10 years before they become 'equal'.

Darius Sozblitzski? I can't comment on individual cases.

Our ancestors are not us. We don't INHERIT equality. We are each judged on our own actions. I am for equality, you do not seem to be.
Cant see any mention of job seekers other than by you.

Benefits your cheap foreign(EU) labour can claim ONCE THEY HAVE AN NI NUMBER, working tax credit, housing benefit, child benefit even if their children are in their home country. Now you will deny that's true ;)
I still think your logic is flawed Skitzee. You wouldn't make a very good Vulcan on Startrek.
The govt have admitted that many Eastern Europeans claim family working tax credits, paid into bank accounts in their home country. The checks made are at best lax, at worst, non existant. The treasury admitted last week that they'd probably paid out £600 million in tax credits to EU workers who were not and never were entitled to them.
As I said earlier, it's unscrupulous employers taking advantage of an immigrant workforce who will accept lower wages. Do you think these companies put the cost of their products or services down? Simple answer is no. They make more profit for themselves.
Others have said their bit and yet you have your own rather narrow view, that it's ok to have mass immigration, whatever the cost to British people.
Only today in the papers, comes the news that Britain will have to contribute millions to prop up the Greek Govt's debt. This of course will be paid by less and less taxpayers. So what happens to our National Debt? It's going to spiral out of control while the EU dictate to this once proud country, what we have to spend our money on.
What's the attitude of other European countries to immigration? I think you'll find it's a lot different than ours. Immigrants are discouraged from lots of our EU neighbours. So why can't we do like they do?

What has fraud and propping up greece got to do with wanting to discriminate against Legal residents of the Uk?

You guys keep having to try and change the subject. Why are you saying that someone who wants to work here, paying tax towards our economy, should be disallowed? Forget Greece...we are talking about jobs, a completely different subject.
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