I, too, was quite happy with my FTTC, there was just the rising cost, and the fact that copper would be ending in 2025 - better to jump voluntarily, than be pushed at the last minute.
I only have one socket, with a wireless/radio remote control plugged into it, then a four way adaptor. The wireless switch, allows me to force a full reboot of the router, should it ever become inaccessible, without tripping the MCB.
I was debating with myself, whether to bother keeping the landline phone at all, as we don't really use it these days at all. The number has been here since the 60's, when it was a four digit. YF, said I could keep it for the first month's payment of £3, and keeping would mean the Voip adaptor would have to be included, as part of the package. In fact the Voip adaptor, is included inside the router itself, in the model I got, the Arris nvg578lx. It's about double the size of my old Plusnet router, but it's far more capable, and very configurable. My only gripe, is that it only has three LAN ports on the back. I only need to take the phone for one month, then I can cancel without penalty, allowing me to see how it goes. The phone, is not part of the contract.