Build, build, build.

How would you feel if the council wanted to buy your house and pay you 50% of its value because some developer had created a town plan that puts high rise apartments where your house currently is?
Obviously wouldnt be happy, in tne same way i wouldnt be happy if a strategically important high speed railway line was built near me, but its about national not individual interest.
Are they going to sell you one of the apartments 1/2 price to compensate.

New old new Labour - steeling people's land - good job week 3
Its not theft its regulating the market in the public interest. Its like the toreys selling off the royal mail at an under value, except the interests served there were private ones.
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On the issue of prisons the early releases have started and are already creating a homelessness problem
On the issue of prisons the early releases have started and are already creating a homelessness problem
It is just another example of how public services are so interconnected.

If councils still had large stocks of council houses, this would not be a problem.

I heard one guy saying: I shall be homeless tonight, I would’ve preferred staying in prison longer until something had been arranged……pushing people out of prisons into homelessness is just going to push them back into crime…..and the r/w muppets on here will be screaming “we need tougher sentences”
It is just another example of how public services are so interconnected.

If councils still had large stocks of council houses, this would not be a problem.

I heard one guy saying: I shall be homeless tonight, I would’ve preferred staying in prison longer until something had been arranged……pushing people out of prisons into homelessness is just going to push them back into crime…..and the r/w muppets on here will be screaming “we need tougher sentences”
The problem is exacerbated because the agencies usually get 12 weeks notice of release to help arrange accommodation and other necessary support services. With a little more foresight the government could have mitigated the impact of prisoner release. I appreciate its just a policy to them but, like pension credit and winter fuel payments, a little more thought would have helped a lot of struggling people.
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It doesn't matter what way you look at it, putting the rights or wrongs of right to buy aside, it's nothing short of farcical that the UK, one of the richest countries in the world apparently, hasn't been capable of building sufficient social housing over recent decades, let alone sufficient private housing.
With a little more foresight the government could have mitigated the impact of prisoner release.
This was a crisis baked in by the previous govt, I don’t see how the current govt could have mitigated anything.

I have to say, I wouldnt want to be in power, this country is in a terrible mess…whichever way you turn is a crisis.

Good luck to,Labour, they are going to need it……and if they fail, this country will be at the mercy of R/W populists selling their snake oil. (Have a read of Trumps Project 2025, that’s the destination)
It doesn't matter what way you look at it, putting the rights or wrongs of right to buy aside, it's nothing short of farcical that the UK, one of the richest countries in the world apparently, hasn't been capable of building sufficient social housing over recent decades, let alone sufficient private housing.
I see no solution

The problem is millions of voters are home owners that have accumulated loads of equity…..they won’t vote for anything that threatens their property value.

Let’s be honest we are all NIMBYs ….I’m guilty of moaning about the large estate being built on the outskirts of my village, but If I’m honest it’s not really affected me.
This was a crisis baked in by the previous govt, I don’t see how the current govt could have mitigated anything.

If you look at the big picture no, but the devil is in the detail, and the detail affects people.
I have to say, I wouldnt want to be in power, this country is in a terrible mess…whichever way you turn is a crisis.

Good luck to,Labour, they are going to need it……and if they fail, this country will be at the mercy of R/W populists selling their snake oil. (Have a read of Trumps Project 2025, that’s the destination)
The government will last one term, maybe two, and their contribution will have been to shift the country to the right to enable the hard right to shift it further when they get back in. I hope i am wrong but politics needs a re set to the left
On the issue of prisons the early releases have started and are already creating a homelessness problem
What they appear to have done is changed the 50% of sentence time for release to 40%. I think sentence max for this to apply is 5 years. Minor bail infringements have also been mentioned.

We need to consider why the 50% cropped up in the first place. Tougher sentencing is popular with the general public. Relates or not - pass. When was it introduced - pass.

They do have info on reoffending so assume they have thought about that. It includes type of crime.

News finds things to criticise. Eg a lady gets a letter saying her problem husband has been let out. He's served his sentence for that aspect.
The government will last one term, maybe two, and their contribution will have been to shift the country to the right to enable the hard right to shift it further when they get back in.
Some might not like Reeves's attitude. She mentions economic stability. An earlier IMF report on the UK stated must sort the social side out. Not long ago, months.

Say you are an investor and you look at the UK and notice taxation at record levels and things still not working as they should. Wouldn't you ask what happens next? She's got no alternative to showing a strong economic policy that keeps the books in check and gives economic stability. ;) Us bing happy with the changes - well if we had to go to the IMF we would loose effective control of our own economics.

Nice article on fiscal rules. Notice the EU change to work out spending plans and sticking to them. It also mentions some misuses. Another factor has been mentioned - GDP grows say inflation and etc and if debt is related to GDP as it usually is more can be borrowed. Productivity doesn't change.
That article has a problem as well. Some form of control is needed or the result would be chaos.
I see no solution

The problem is millions of voters are home owners that have accumulated loads of equity…..they won’t vote for anything that threatens their property value.

Let’s be honest we are all NIMBYs ….I’m guilty of moaning about the large estate being built on the outskirts of my village, but If I’m honest it’s not really affected me.
It’s not just NIMBYism. You’re going to be dependent on that value / equity to pay for you care when you are old.
On the issue of prisons the early releases have started and are already creating a homelessness problem
While racist Karen from facebook needs to be punished. I see no reason to lock up a one time offender who will unlikely offend again and release shotgun Jim the armed robber early.
While racist Karen from facebook needs to be punished. I see no reason to lock up a one time offender who will unlikely offend again and release shotgun Jim the armed robber early.
Heres a thought, increase tax , build more prisons, rehabilitate those who can be, and completely isolate the gang and drug lords from the outside world.
Heres a thought, increase tax , build more prisons, rehabilitate those who can be, and completely isolate the gang and drug lords from the outside world.
It's farcical when you read stories about hardened criminals often with multiple convictions still being able to 'run their operations' from the inside. Farcical.
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