Build, build, build.


That prisoner stats speak for themselves.
There is another way of interpreting the stats: the systemic racism in the system.

Systemic racism within UK criminal justice system a serious concern: UN human rights experts​

Racism in the United Kingdom is “structural, institutional and systemic”, independent UN human rights experts said on Friday, warning that people of African descent in the country continue to encounter discrimination and erosion of their fundamental rights.
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Somebody is going to have to try to sort out Britain's collapsing penal and justice systems. Tory Austerity and cutting public services have not done the country much good.

Add prisons to the list.

If you're not a Tory buddy selling useless PPE, you're a lot worse off now
Lets see how they get on..

So far Build build build is carry on as before.

Rather than build more prisons, perhaps we should look at the source of crime.

America locks up 10% of its population, do you think America is a safer place to live?
Lets see how they get on..

So far Build build build is carry on as before.

Rather than build more prisons, perhaps we should look at the source of crime.

America locks up 10% of its population, do you think America is a safer place to live?
What do you suggest is done with criminals in the meantime?

How long do you think any policy that looks at the sources of crime will take to show any effect
Lets see how they get on..

So far Build build build is carry on as before.

Rather than build more prisons, perhaps we should look at the source of crime.

America locks up 10% of its population, do you think America is a safer place to live?
And address the systemic racism in the justice system.
And stop making silly laws about steering a boat, or arriving without authorisation.
No answer then. Thought not
Your wrong. While it doesn't apply to all prisoners there are common factors about the background of a decent proportion of them. If that chain can be broken they probably wouldn't be there.

This sort of approach will also be used on knife crime.
Your wrong. While it doesn't apply to all prisoners there are common factors about the background of a decent proportion of them. If that chain can be broken they probably wouldn't be there.

This sort of approach will also be used on knife crime.
I agree.

The question was what to do with criminals until such a policy is formed.

The Tories have left major problems, prison population is just 1 of them.

Mbk is trying to suggest different. He said..... Rather than build more prisons, perhaps we should look at the source of crime.

We have a short term problem and a long term solution. Not building prisons doesn't help either
There is another factor that doesn't get much of a mention. Being tough on crime. Popular subject for politicians, I have heard that increasing sentencing levels really kicked in under Major and has become a popular method.
Initial results over crowding now no more places.

One interesting graphic popped up in a report. Numbers intended to be built and what was actually built. That was way way short of the target.
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