Can these pipes be moved back?

Why should the gas pipe be clipped away from the wall? In case he asks it would be good to give him a good response- so that it doesn't corrode?
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The fabric of the building can cause corrosion of the pipe.

The boiler should be level. It says so in the manual.

Fireman T i use munsens more or less all the time apart from the odd colour coded talon. Otherwise rubber lined clips and/or Unistrut.

Give me or us a while and will find the guidance.

edited because of the sodding autocorreckt.
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I thought my soldering was neat but that's something else Dan, what solder do you use and technique to get it pretty much invisible like that?
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Yeah, I use only a little of each as well but using the thick solder it's tricky to get it almost invisible although I like to think that they're pretty much as good as they'll get with standard solder.
Right folks there have been developments, I attach updated pictures
Looks a lot better than before to be honest. The professionals among you could have done it a lot better no doubt though. In terms of the tumble dryer area- he has still managed to cock that up. The tumble dryer still does not fit. He was trying to get me to agree to put flexible pipes there instead and said that would allow the tumble dryer to go back. I said no. He is going to return and use copper again with some other mad push fits if I want. Not sure if it is worth it tbh.
I reckon, that compression elbow that goes into the wall and is sealed with silicone. If that were to start leaking it'd fill the cavity with gas? A simple knock could push the olive slightly squiff and cause a gas escape.
He said also that he has to leave a gap and not silicone fully the compression elbow on the outside. The reason he said is that if gas escapes it has somewhere to go. Not sure if this is more bs... Anyway am going to have someone come and have a look at it soon.
Sorry, it is sleeved? as in one pipe goes through another and he's siliconed the outer pipe? Yes a gap should be there, so no BS there (y)

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