Can You Cook...

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
...a filling and nutritious meal for 30p?

Recipe ideas please for families that are struggling.

This price does not include cooking or getting the food.

I immediately thought of a pasta dish.

But meat (or even veggie meat replacements) are too expensive, so I thought of red lentils.

So. To feed 6.....

500g spaghetti 20p
2 jars of pasta sauce 78p
500g red lentils 88p
100g cheese for topping 44p

2.30 divide 6 = 38p
Or 31p without cheese.

Has anyone else priced a budget meal?
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There’s plenty of online stuff about budget meals, but they don’t seem to mention costs (guessing it’s because retailers prices vary).

What needs to be accounted for is gas and electric, I’ve seen meals state budget, but cooks in 2 hours. So your 31p meal might become 40p, or more.

Slow cookers don’t use much I believe, we have one and cook satisfying meals in it.
In the true sense of the word, I'm too lazy to cook. I went through a phase of living off ready meals (no lectures thanks ;)) now I'm back to 'cooking' in the sense that I'll put together meals such as steak (fried) potatoes (boiled, baby or mash) and veg (steamed.) However I've never cooked in the sense of pulling x raw ingredients together and cooking them.
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All the best chef's are men & I am a MAN who enjoys the ceremony of sourcing the food he cooks & serves to his loved ones.

In what context does this 30p meal exist? If I'm up at 04.00am & pick a few wild mushrooms to cook a tasty breakfast for when the rest of the house awakens???

A tasty breakfast to be enjoyed by all that cost nothing more than a knob of butter & me wandering the countryside at the right time, knowing where to look & what to pick.
There's a lesbian called Jack Monroe who publishes very cheap meal recipes for benefit scroungers etc.

You can get lots of cheap food when the supermarkets reduce the prices at the end of the day. I got a chicken for 50p the other week. There is sometimes a scrum at the reduced shelves though, it's not for the faint hearted.
Where is the supermarket???

I beleive the MP was misquoted. It meant average cost of 30p x 3 meals daily, IE Breakfast/5p + lunch/33p + Dinner/52p = Total for 3 meals, 90 diveded
by 3 = 30p per meal

Breakfast - cornflakes, skimmed milk = 5p

Lunch = 2 slices toast, bit of butter, egg, cheese and beetroot = 33p

Dinner - masg, beans, fishfingers cup of tea, a slice of cake etc = 52p

As the other poster stated, you can get bargains, so some of the meals could be cheaper.


The shill AI postings are maturing, they are learning from us.

Poverty doesn't exist because a good meal can be had for 30p. I mean, really.
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