Can You Cook...

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You could bulk it out more with grated carrots.
When I make a meaty spag bol, I always add grated carrot and grated courgette.

It bulks out the meat and it gets some sneaky veg into the food that veg-shy kids try their damnedest to avoid.
The problem with all these cheap food suggestions is that they do not provide a balanced diet, they lack essential nutrients, and tend to be high in sugar. They basically prep you for a future of obesity and other health problems. Plus, they cause tiredness, which affects school and work. All round, it's a **** life or basic survive. And then people wonder why they are not getting the top earning jobs, or suffering long-term health problems and end up on benefits.
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Mais oui!

But I wasn't the one who claimed it was 5p.

I just wanted to post the actual figure to show it wasn't massively off.
I often get some terrific bargains at the reduced items section. Go in the freezer and hibernate for times I'm not so well off. I do tend to buy things that I would not normally buy so not sure I save on the whole... but we eat well......

Since I met Mrs Bod I don't cook but I can. I generally make it up as I go but it's generally good.

I do think some Torys live in lar lar land but some people do not know how to manage money or prioritise the wrong things in life.

I'll always buy a new van ahead of a new car for instance. Vans earn money cars cost money. That's why I've stuck with my old banger. But it's Honda and Honda do what Hondas do
There's a lesbian called Jack Monroe who publishes very cheap meal recipes for benefit scroungers etc.

You can get lots of cheap food when the supermarkets reduce the prices at the end of the day. I got a chicken for 50p the other week. There is sometimes a scrum at the reduced shelves though, it's not for the faint hearted.
benefit scroungers may be scroungers but people that scrummage for 50p chickens are scroungers too matey. Thanks.
3 slices of toast (Warburtons toastie 20p for 20 slices yellow label) half a tin of baked beans with a bit of curry powder, about 15p in total, or less.
yellow label? Is there enough of them to feed everyone on benefits?
benefit scroungers may be scroungers but people that scrummage for 50p chickens are scroungers too matey. Thanks.

Not really scrounging.

Lots of food gets wasted because it's past its sell date. So your doing your bit for the planet as well...

I have seen and avoided some scrummages, can be very embarrassing.
The problem with all these cheap food suggestions is that they do not provide a balanced diet, they lack essential nutrients, and tend to be high in sugar. They basically prep you for a future of obesity and other health problems. Plus, they cause tiredness, which affects school and work. All round, it's a **** life or basic survive. And then people wonder why they are not getting the top earning jobs, or suffering long-term health problems and end up on benefits.
Based on cheap sugar laden bread and pasta loaded with carbohydrates. cheap cereals with ridiculously high sugar content and barely a mention yet of fruit or veg. What ignoramus would start a thread bent on validating the elitist scumbag’s ludicrous statements.
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Not really scrounging.

Lots of food gets wasted because it's past its sell date. So your doing your bit for the planet as well...

I have seen and avoided some scrummages, can be very embarrassing.
Willing to defend the person with his hand out for cheap chicken yet the ‘benefit scrounger’ in your eyes , who may have worked a job for 25 years and claims working tax credit to raise her children and keep a roof over their heads gets categorised scrounger regardless.
So yes it’s scrounging. And shops do not sell food with any colour sticker on that’s passed it’s sell by date. Least of all chicken.
Willing to defend the person with his hand out for cheap chicken yet the ‘benefit scrounger’ in your eyes , who may have worked a job for 25 years and claims working tax credit to raise her children and keep a roof over their heads gets categorised scrounger regardless.
So yes it’s scrounging. And shops do not sell food with any colour sticker on that’s passed it’s sell by date. Least of all chicken.

I never said they do. And I've never ever ever used the words benefit scrounger.... Ever never....
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