Can you really vote for little rich boy?

You will only get rid of labour by voting tory, any other vote is a vote for labour.

It's that mentality which will ensure that we all get screwed over once again.
Vote for the party you want to win and be done with. Or don't bother voting at all.

if you vote libdem:

1. they will never win another 270 seats to gain power. A swing of that size has never occurred even in the Thatcher landslide.
2 your might cause a hung parliament. In the event of a hung parliament, the incumbent government gets first refusal to carry on governing. So its the same as voting for the incumbent government in practice.
3 if labour forrn a minority government they will not share power, and will not have a lib dem MP(s) foisted on them as part of a deal. The best the LibDems can manage will be negotiated support on a vote by vote basis. such an arrangement will not last long. its impossible to rule like this (Both Heath and Wilson tried it) and will result in another general election within months or a year
4, therefore, you have two choices if you want your vote to have a noticeable effect - vote for the incumbent government and keep them in power, or vote for the next largest party, the Torys, and topple the government.

its a simple as that. Voting any other way is a hypothetical vote.
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So more of the same then? Hung or shot?

Vote 'A' for hung or 'B' for shot at the polling station. Who do you want to be raped by this time around?

"Vote for change!"

What change? We have had both corrupt incompetent versions of Labour, we have had the me-me-me Tory. My friend did very well under them thank you very much. I DID NOT!

Both parties are both followers of Onan!

Again, (not aimed at you Lincsbodger), if it's a two horse race I hope they both break their leg and get shot!!!

If we always and forever only have the option for change by voting for one of two, God help us all...
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No the solution is ALWAYS THROW OUT THE INCUMBENT GOVERNMENT!! Dont you get how it works yet?

The Tories had 4 terms in power., They became lazy, corrupt, exhausted, bereft of ideas, bereft of talent and contemptuous of the electorate.

Labour has had 4 terms in power., They have become lazy, corrupt, exhausted, bereft of ideas, bereft of talent and contemptuous of the electorate.

Can you see the pattern here?

Leaving a party in power more than two terms is utterly deadly. Whoever the incumbent government is, they MUST be thrown out after two terms, and the other let in for no more than two terms. That way, they dont develop Four term Syndrome as described above.

We MUST throw Labour out this time. If they stay, they will become even more rotten lazy and corrupt. Put the Tories in - new faces, fresh ideas, keen to please,. If you dont like what they do, throw them out next time. and keep doing it at every election. Politicians are there most honest, most keen, most decent when they are living in fear of being made unemployed. THATS people power, THATS how democracy works best.
We MUST throw Labour out this time. If they stay, they will become even more rotten lazy and corrupt. Put the Tories in - new faces, fresh ideas, keen to please,. If you dont like what they do, throw them out next time. and keep doing it at every election. Politicians are there most honest, most keen, most decent when they are living in fear of being made unemployed. THATS people power, THATS how democracy works best.

That's an interesting theory. It works with women doesn't it? Treat 'em mean and keep 'em keen - so why not governments?

So I ditch Doris for Heather and when Heather lets me down I go crawling back to Doris. Back and forth, back and forth.....

I'd like to try Eric! :D

I DO understand what's being said here, just being faticious, with a little bit of truth spoke in jest perhaps...?

We MUST throw Labour out this time. If they stay, they will become even more rotten lazy and corrupt. Put the Tories in - new faces, fresh ideas, keen to please,. If you dont like what they do, throw them out next time. and keep doing it at every election. Politicians are there most honest, most keen, most decent when they are living in fear of being made unemployed. THATS people power, THATS how democracy works best.

That's an interesting theory. It works with women doesn't it? Treat 'em mean and keep 'em keen - so why not governments?

So I ditch Doris for Heather and when Heather lets me down I go crawling back to Doris. Back and forth, back and forth.....

I'd like to try Eric! :D

I DO understand what's being said here, just being faticious, with a little bit of truth spoke in jest perhaps...?

well not 'crawling', it more like you ring up Doris and say 'guess what darling, get yer toothbrush, you've pulled' and she wets her knickers in excitment and rushes round.

That really IS how it works best.

So I ditch Doris for Heather and when Heather lets me down I go crawling back to Doris. Back and forth, back and forth.....

I'd like to try Eric! :D

I DO understand what's being said here, just being faticious, with a little bit of truth spoke in jest perhaps...?

well not 'crawling', it more like you ring up Doris and say 'guess what darling, get yer toothbrush, you've pulled' and she wets her knickers in excitment and rushes round.

That really IS how it works best.
But she’s been off the scene for 8 years and has become fat and lazy so I don't want her back. I also remember why I left her in the first place; not only was she useless in bed but she gave me a communicable disease from being unfaithful!

I think that's really how it works ;)

Eric is young smart and energetic and I want to try something I haven't tried before. :D It's not his fault the cards are stacked against him but maybe if there's enough support this time around he will get the landslide he needs next time around. At least if they have more seats in Parliment they will have more of a say and that's fine with me for now. I'd like to date him and see how it goes...

(I hope people realise these are metaphors :D )
Nah the trouble with Eric is hes still in nappies and hasnt the faintest idea what hes talking about. he like a kid thats read every aviation magazine there is about the F16 Fighting Falcon and he now thinks he can fly one. In reality all that will happen is he'd get to the end of the runway on full throttle and then crash n burn.

further more, Eric is fag and drops hes pants and bends over when told for the big bully EU, just like Heather does. Eric will steal all your DVD's and give them to EU when told to, not to mention giving Eu the deeds to your house.
You’re right that he’s a little green, (with a small ‘g’), but every leader has advisors. Don't forget also that experience is proportional to intensity, not only duration - especially in politics. It’s undeniable that Nick Clegg has been holding his own very well irrespective of his age or any ostensible greenness.

As one of my favourite comics said recently, it’s like KFC. Just because Colonel Sanders face is on the box doesn’t mean he’s actually making the chicken. He’s just a brand, a franchise.

The real substance comes as much from the party members as the leader and I like Vince better than Darling or Osborne. Vince is a veteran, as shined through in the first debate.

It wasn’t Nick who prostituted our country to Brussels. UKIP makes a good argument for pulling out. Depending which paper you read, we are giving them £18 billion to £40 billion a day!!! And for what exactly?
We dont need the Eu, just like we dont need there currency. However they need us, and badly. They need our money to waste., and they need us in the club so they can continue to whittle away out our independence, because we are the biggest threat to the United States of Europe plan, if we were out the EU, they wouldn't be able to eventually steal our country and subjugate us.
And they want to steal Britain? They don't even get on with each other without clubbing together to knobble the UK.
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