Can you really vote for little rich boy?

For myself, I pledged never to vote Conservative after the ill fated CSA completely turned my life upside down.

Nearly £80 per week going to the Gov - not my child!!! They didn’t get errant fathers, they targeted fathers whom were honest and easy to find.

I couldn’t afford to run a car to take my daughter out or even eat well! I even asked my boss at the time to "let me go" because "it's not worth my while working".

Many fathers even committed suicide over it, lest we forget! This, from the party who purported to be 'all for the family'. And in time honoured tradition, no-one was held accountable for this monumental cock-up!

What those fools in Government don’t realise is that when you completely and utterly fuc£ with someone’s life on that scale some of us don’t forget!

They can all go hang themselves.
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This election is all about sorting out the financial mess and it’ll be the NEXT election that’s decided on the issues.

I don’t think the class thing applies as much anymore. Labour is no longer the workers champion. They prostituted themselves to big business to get into power and are as bad as the Tories.
Worse if you look at recent stories such as the Digital Economy Bill or Sainsbury/Tesco giving the party money in order to stop things like proper food labelling at a time where kids are obese and some are getting their baby teeth removed.

Plus they embraced PR even more. Eg Child Trust Fund was for PR. They're all going to spend it on drink!!!

I’ll be voting tactically (Conservative) to get rid of Labour.
In some ways I’d like to protest vote Green or UKIP/BNP to give the message that the environment and immigration are issues that need looking at.
Immigration is the big local issue here (Peterborough).

The biggest change that needs making is to make all public sector pensions defined contribution (i.e. they take the risk not us). This would make the savings and actually allow a lot of the jobs to be kept.
Is mostly Unite-funded Labour going to do this? No.
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It’s for that reason I may well end up voting for Liberal James; not for the leader but to get Vince in number 11. ;)
Well, I live in (i think) the only constituency to have always been Con. Plus we have the incumbent speaker of the house as our MP, which by parliamentary protocol is not seen as good form to stand against. Don't think I would have voted anyway, but anyone who vows to bring back fox hunting will probably get the vote round me, I don't agree with foxhunting BTW.
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For myself, I pledged never to vote Conservative after the ill fated CSA completely turned my life upside down.

Nearly £80 per week going to the Gov - not my child!!! They didn’t get errant fathers, they targeted fathers whom were honest and easy to find.

I couldn’t afford to run a car to take my daughter out or even eat well! I even asked my boss at the time to "let me go" because "it's not worth my while working".

Many fathers even committed suicide over it, lest we forget! This, from the party who purported to be 'all for the family'. And in time honoured tradition, no-one was held accountable for this monumental cock-up!

What those fools in Government don’t realise is that when you completely and utterly fuc£ with someone’s life on that scale some of us don’t forget!

They can all go hang themselves.

My utmost respect to you........ Cracking post.
(The CSA are definately worth a seperate thread/argument.)
For myself, I pledged never to vote Conservative after the ill fated CSA completely turned my life upside down.

Nearly £80 per week going to the Gov - not my child!!! They didn’t get errant fathers, they targeted fathers whom were honest and easy to find.

I couldn’t afford to run a car to take my daughter out or even eat well! I even asked my boss at the time to "let me go" because "it's not worth my while working".

Many fathers even committed suicide over it, lest we forget! This, from the party who purported to be 'all for the family'. And in time honoured tradition, no-one was held accountable for this monumental cock-up!

What those fools in Government don’t realise is that when you completely and utterly fuc£ with someone’s life on that scale some of us don’t forget!

They can all go hang themselves.

You paid a total of £320 a month...and you are complaining about this?

They tried getting errant fathers but the problem with this is they tend to be quite ...errant.
For myself, I pledged never to vote Conservative after the ill fated CSA completely turned my life upside down.

Nearly £80 per week going to the Gov - not my child!!! They didn’t get errant fathers, they targeted fathers whom were honest and easy to find.

I couldn’t afford to run a car to take my daughter out or even eat well! I even asked my boss at the time to "let me go" because "it's not worth my while working".

Many fathers even committed suicide over it, lest we forget! This, from the party who purported to be 'all for the family'. And in time honoured tradition, no-one was held accountable for this monumental cock-up!

What those fools in Government don’t realise is that when you completely and utterly fuc£ with someone’s life on that scale some of us don’t forget!

They can all go hang themselves.

You paid a total of £320 a month...and you are complaining about this?

They tried getting errant fathers but the problem with this is they tend to be quite ...errant.
That was back in 1994, when I was only earning £13K p.a. so represented a massive tax. Yes ‘TAX’, not child maintenance! My daughter, (her mother), was receiving the equivalent of £15 per week in benefits. That’s £65 per week off me going directly into the Government’s coffers, not on my daughter’s welfare.

As a rough calculation it would be like me paying £200 per week today, £800 per month – TAX! NOT CHILD MAINTENANCE! They also wanted £3,000 in a lump sum – TAX! NOT CHILD MAINTENACE!

I wrote to all three parties to no avail, except a sympathy 'party' reply from Paddy, if it was indeed him.

If you think fathers were just tight-fisted bellyachers’ you are very wrong and I can only assume you were not in my position or that of countless other fathers during that vile period. I used to pay my ex and had an amicable arrangement for years until they interfered.

When it was introduced I was actually all in favour of it because my ex had a child from another guy who never paid a single penny. He was always unemployed but working on the side. To add insult to injury he used to drive around in a second hand, but nice, Jaguar. I had to sell my old car because I couldn't afford it anymore.

How would you feel if you suddenly had to pay these sums of money, in TAX??? Like all fathers in my situation, as iniquitous as it was it would not have been such a slap in the face if the money did actually go to the child. At least the hardship we endured would have been helping the child we so love and cherish.

It was a TAX designed to rip us off!!!!

You will have to forgive me if I don’t reply on this topic again. It's off topic as well as deeply hurtful to recall.
It’s for that reason I may well end up voting for Liberal James; not for the leader but to get Vince in number 11. ;)

But you wont.

In the event of a hung parliament Labour gets first refusal to hang onto power, which they will. And they wont put up with having a liberal Mp foisted on them in sucha high level position. The best the Liberals can manage will be a vote by vote negotiation.

You will only get rid of labour by voting tory, any other vote is a vote for labour.
They tried getting errant fathers but the problem with this is they tend to be quite ...errant.

So what happened instead?

The CSA, lumbered with 'targets' then pursued the perfectly reasonable fathers instead, screwing as much as they could out of them to make the targets. Chasing the actual real irresponsible errant ones was too hard, the entire premise the CSA was built on was deeply, fundamentally flawed and crippled by government interference, anti-male feminist ****** and official incompetence.
It’s for that reason I may well end up voting for Liberal James; not for the leader but to get Vince in number 11. ;)

But you wont.

In the event of a hung parliament Labour gets first refusal to hang onto power, which they will. And they wont put up with having a liberal Mp foisted on them in sucha high level position. The best the Liberals can manage will be a vote by vote negotiation.

You will only get rid of labour by voting tory, any other vote is a vote for labour.
I'm sure you're right but there isn't true Labour anymore anyway. Labour haven't been running the country; just New La£our. The choice has been right and extreme right.

If nothing else, an overwhelming majority for Libs, (okay I'm fantasizing), will at least send a shot across the other two parties bows that we think they are both full of Sh1t. Their track record has proved it time and time again. Some will win, others will lose. So how about more fairness for once; a level playing field for us all?

As long as 'we' keep voting for one of two parties we will never get anything more than the same that they have always delivered, (or not delivered), and history will just keep repeating itself...

I don't think anyone really knows what would happen if Libs out-did the others so why not find out and see once and for all what they are made of? Anyone from my age group already knows first hand what the others are made of - don't we? Time will tell...
You will only get rid of labour by voting tory, any other vote is a vote for labour.

It's that mentality which will ensure that we all get screwed over once again.
Vote for the party you want to win and be done with. Or don't bother voting at all.
Well, I live in (i think) the only constituency to have always been Con. Plus we have the incumbent speaker of the house as our MP, which by parliamentary protocol is not seen as good form to stand against. Don't think I would have voted anyway, but anyone who vows to bring back fox hunting will probably get the vote round me, I don't agree with foxhunting BTW.
Eddie, you ought to have a browse of this. I'm not much keen on the Hefferlump or the Telegraph generally, for that matter, but it does rather appeal to one's baser instinct. ;)
I don't think anyone really knows what would happen if Libs out-did the others so why not find out and see once and for all what they are made of? Anyone from my age group already knows first hand what the others are made of - don't we? Time will tell...

dream land, the Libs have 55 seats, they need 325 for a majority, have you got any idea of the size of the swing to gain another 270 seats? Its isnt going to happen , in a month of sundays. And we know what the lib dems are like, the last time they were in power was 1928, ie they havent a clue.

They dont ever have any members whos grandfathers were ever in government, let alone fathers. You might as well vote UKIP or BNP, your getting just as much experience for your money.

Like i said, in practice voting libdem is the same as voting Labour
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