Caption Contest 20

Jeremy Clarkson dismisses any hint that he is a sexist at the new lady presenters interview


did she make those puddles on the tarmac , by chance ;)
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ban-all-sheds said:

Understanding girlfriend ensures that her bloke is not the only t*at in the car !
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Actualy, serious Q (well, as serious as it can be) - do people think she's putting them on, or taking them off, and if so, what makes you think that?
ban-all-sheds said:
Actualy, serious Q (well, as serious as it can be) - do people think she's putting them on, or taking them off, and if so, what makes you think that?

Is that a new version of the half empty half full glass question :)
On....that car's got leather seats...grips like a goodun to sweaty hinge...eeee-ew!
ban-all-sheds said:
Actualy, serious Q (well, as serious as it can be) - do people think she's putting them on, or taking them off, and if so, what makes you think that?
Depends if you're good looking or not :LOL:
B A S,
I actually think she is taking them off.
Look at how her hand is holding her shoe on. She cant pull the knickers up over that hand, they could only come down over the toes.

That assumption is made looking her actions.

I guess that some of you chaps will think they are coming off based just on your wishful thinking!! :LOL: :LOL:
LMAO Toffs,

I'd have said she was putting them on. If she was taking them off then surely she'd let them drop and then hoik them over her shoes?

She's also holding the front of them up which would indicate a 'pulling up' action :LOL:
toffee said:
I guess that some of you chaps will think they are coming off based just on your wishful thinking!! :LOL: :LOL:
There's no harm in dreaming :LOL:
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