Carry on Lab Rats...

The pharmas haven't bothered because they are only worried about their profits if it proved to be effective!

Long term?

You're going to have to be jabbed at least every year, alongside the flu jab...

That's a hell of a lot of 'drug cocktail' going into your body!
You don't realise that Ivermectin is made by Merik, who don't have a vaccine for Covid-19 do you. So in your world they don't want to sell something they do make to avoid cutting into the profit from something that a competitor makes.

It's the sort of thing that makes you sound like an idiot.
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You're going to have to be jabbed at least every year, alongside the flu jab...

That's a hell of a lot of 'drug cocktail' going into your body!

Not a problem for us fearless ones that think of protecting the community at large and even cowards like yourself.
You don't realise that Ivermectin is made by Merik, who don't have a vaccine for Covid-19 do you. So in your world they don't want to sell something they do make to avoid cutting into the profit from something that a competitor makes.

It's the sort of thing that makes you sound like an idiot.
Care to tell us the relative costs?

And I said nothing about them not wanting to sell it did I. Just that the research is in favour of relatively high cost vaccines (which are now according to studies proving less effective than thought) and the cost of the vaccine procedure itself.

Now apparently there is suddenly a new 'Mu variant', so another jab will have to be produced...

And no doubt another, and then another...

We are going to have to live with this 'virus', so in the end if we can't beat whatever the 'virus' is then it will come down to low cost mass treatment...

Not thinking about that is the sort of thing that makes you sound like an idiot :)
Not a problem for us fearless ones that think of protecting the community at large and even cowards like yourself.
The real cowards are the ones who go along with whatever they are told rather than question and then make a decision...

I bet you have never got over having to put up your hand in class in order to ask for a toilet break! ;)
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That's a hell of a lot of 'drug cocktail' going into your body!

If you refuse medicine, then yet. But if, as many people do, take medicines to keep them alive and well for longer, then it is not a "hell of a lot" at all.
The pharmas haven't bothered because they are only worried about their profits if it proved to be effective!
I DGAT how effective it is at treating it, Id rather not get it in the first place.

But then Im not frightened of being vaccinated against it, so Im in a better place for prevention vs cure.
I bet you have never got over having to put up your hand in class in order to ask for a toilet break! ;)
Sorry. I almost forgot about that cock and bull story you told about the time you threatened a teacher, protected the whole class and everyone looked up to you for the rest of your time at that school. If only I’d had you in my class to give me permission for a toilet break……:rolleyes:
Did we really need any more?
No, and yet...
And I said nothing about them not wanting to sell it did I. Just that the research is in favour of relatively high cost vaccines (which are now according to studies proving less effective than thought) and the cost of the vaccine procedure itself.
Relatively high cost vaccines? Which ones are they? The most expensive one is Moderna at around $25 a dose. Both doses together are cheaper than a single PCR test.

Ivermectin costs around $100 for 60mg. The trials for ivermectin were around 0.6mg/kg for 5 days. That's around 150-300mg depending on patient weight (I'm probably way out, someone else can do the maths). Or roughly $300 to $600 if my rough costs are right. Remind me which treatment is supposed to be cheaper?

Oh and Ivermectin is supposed to be used prophylacticly, so youd be paying for that indefinitely.
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You might be thinking of principle.

Which is for people who haven't been admitted to hospital. It's relatively small (6,500 so far) but it is a gold standard double blind study. We might find out if ivermectin makes any difference to admission to hospital but it won't be able to tell if it saves lives as not enough will die to give a reliable estimate.
yes -thats right I got the wrong study

the conspiracists are claiming that the trial is designed to fail.

its 3 days as 12mg

they are saying the dose shoul dbe 26mg a day for 5 days
The pharmas haven't bothered because they are only worried about their profits if it proved to be effective!

Long term?

You're going to have to be jabbed at least every year, alongside the flu jab...

That's a hell of a lot of 'drug cocktail' going into your body!

"worried about profits" -conspiracist claptrap

"have to be jabbed every year" -thats far less than ivermectin

millions of people have an annual flu jab -its hardly a drug cocktail.
The 4 in 1 preschool jab is a drugs cocktail, it saves lives. :cool:
Sorry. I almost forgot about that cock and bull story you told about the time you threatened a teacher, protected the whole class and everyone looked up to you for the rest of your time at that school. If only I’d had you in my class to give me permission for a toilet break……:rolleyes:
'cock and bull story'?

I realise a coward such as yourself wouldn't have the balls to even contemplate standing up for yourself and others...

Thus it is no surprise that you also don't have the balls to question what is being pumped into your aged body...

But hey, I hope you (and some others here) enjoy your bend over moment and accept whatever you are given ...

It'll of course become routine!
Ellal, you are obviously a very proud anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist, but it really is getting a bit boring now.
Just accept that a majority of people want to live and take medicine. You don't. Stop preaching.
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