Channel migrants face lifetime ban on returning to UK

I'm inferring nothing, Gary did that all on his own. He compared the language of the Govt to the language of the Nazis, what does that infer?
Gary lineker compared the govt to 1930s Germany

the governments illegal migrants bill to imprison foreigners without any reason and to deport them without any reason is exactly like 1930s Germany

Its seems you are upset because you dont like to admit the truth.
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One thing that can't be denied is what happened in Germany started off at a very innocuous level. I can't remember its name but there's a good movie based on the years running up to what happened there against the Jews during WWII. The story centres around two main characters, men that have been friends since childhood. One's German, the other Jewish. Things start off 'innocently' enough e.g. we're asking all Jewish people to register at their local community office. Then x months later we're asking all Jewish people to ensure they're home by 8pm. Then x months later we're advising all Jewish people to remain indoors every Sunday and so on. Of course as the months/years roll by, the restrictions on the Jews became ever more stringent and, in the movie, the German character advises his Jewish friend to get out. By the time the Jewish character realises, despite his optimism, that things aren't going to revert to the way they were, it's too late.

I'm of course not saying what the Tories are doing is a precursor to anything related to Germany in WWII, however my assertion is things often start off at a low/innocuous level and, by design or otherwise, can ramp up to something that no-one would consider right or democratic.

I reckon they do need to do something more proactive regarding the small boat issue, however in stating that I don't mean the UK should pull up the proverbial drawbridge and let nobody in.
I'm finding it very hard to get my head round all of this. It all seems so complicated and interlinked and there's so many competing claims. I've been reading the latest report from the House of Commons Library and there's just so many issues. These two charts jumped out at me, though, which appear to counter the claim that we are the dumping ground for asylum seekers. These figures are from 2021 and obviously our asylum claims went up last year, but so did other countries.


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I don't think there is anyone arguing we are a dumping ground for asylum seekers. I think the reality is that most genuine claimants seek refuge in the nearest safe country. Some target countries with reputations for treating claimants better, but the vast majority are just thankful to get out of harms way. The argument being made specific to the UK is that we are a target for economic and criminal illegal immigrants and that there is a criminal network in place to drive this at huge scale.

The government rightly needs to tackle the criminal network of recruiters and facilitators who have created a £billion industry. The answer requires better collaboration across Europe and it's not a Brexit/EU issue.

On a less serious note I have a solution.

We get the UK border force and police to dress as Gendarmes Allo Allo style and convince the arrivals they have made a mistake and turn back.

And we have a system that allows a person to apply to live and work in the UK based on their ability to add value to our society.

Fascinating graphs. Never seen those stats before.

Wonder if it's coincidental that the ones with the lowest illegal migrant (AKA asylum) seeker levels, ie. Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Portugal - also happen to be my favourite EU countries. Also they are all extremely safe and have zero terrorism. Bit of a strange coincidence that!
I don't think there is anyone arguing we are a dumping ground for asylum seekers

Lots of people seem to be saying just that. Try the comments sections of some of our tabloids. This person definitely seems to be ;)

“There are 100 million people around the world who could qualify for protection under our current laws. Let’s be clear. They are coming here.”
I would suggest there are more than 100m. At the moment we are being targeted by criminals who have established a nice business in sending hopeful people to the UK via small boat. The problem with orginised crime, is once it is established there is a network of dependancy which makes it hard to smash. We still have a chance to fix this. in 10 years time we will probably have a £30-50bn a year problem.
The argument being made specific to the UK is that we are a target for economic and criminal illegal immigrants and that there is a criminal network in place to drive this at huge scale
We are also a target for many genuine asylum seekers fleeing war and persecution.

over the last few years the majority of arrivals by boat have been from war torn countries or places of prosecution.
I would suggest there are more than 100m. At the moment we are being targeted by criminals who have established a nice business in sending hopeful people to the UK via small boat. The problem with orginised crime, is once it is established there is a network of dependancy which makes it hard to smash. We still have a chance to fix this. in 10 years time we will probably have a £30-50bn a year problem.

I'm really interested in people's perception of the scale of this problem and their fears and concerns, so I'd just like to check what you mean. Are you saying that if we don't get these new laws, it is likely that 100 million plus people will come to the UK, in small boats, over the next ten years or so. If not, what are you saying.
even Tories dont like this bill

Three Tory MPs have so far expressed anxiety about the bill. Chris Skidmore has said he won't vote for it…. Caroline Nokes has said the same…. And Tobias Ellwood seems very uncomfortable with it

Tobias Ellwood(Tory MP) calls for the govt to provide a "viable alternative for asylum seekers to be able to apply for asylum safely here in the UK... France & Germany actually take more asylum seekers than us, but there needs to be a collective effort"

We are also a target for many genuine asylum seekers fleeing war and persecution.

over the last few years the majority of arrivals by boat have been from war torn countries or places of prosecution.
That isn’t true. I would suggest you look at the recent data.
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