One thing that can't be denied is what happened in Germany started off at a very innocuous level. I can't remember its name but there's a good movie based on the years running up to what happened there against the Jews during WWII. The story centres around two main characters, men that have been friends since childhood. One's German, the other Jewish. Things start off 'innocently' enough e.g. we're asking all Jewish people to register at their local community office. Then x months later we're asking all Jewish people to ensure they're home by 8pm. Then x months later we're advising all Jewish people to remain indoors every Sunday and so on. Of course as the months/years roll by, the restrictions on the Jews became ever more stringent and, in the movie, the German character advises his Jewish friend to get out. By the time the Jewish character realises, despite his optimism, that things aren't going to revert to the way they were, it's too late.
I'm of course not saying what the Tories are doing is a precursor to anything related to Germany in WWII, however my assertion is things often start off at a low/innocuous level and, by design or otherwise, can ramp up to something that no-one would consider right or democratic.
I reckon they do need to do something more proactive regarding the small boat issue, however in stating that I don't mean the UK should pull up the proverbial drawbridge and let nobody in.