Cheap as Chips

It's also actually a working refuelling plane...

I wonder how the RAF feel about it becoming a rather more visible target?

It's unlikely to ever be a visual target in the event of conflict. If a tanker is going to take a missile up the chuff, it'll be from beyond visual range. No aggressor is going to 'happen upon' it and identify it because it looks like a bit of bunting! Radar and awacs does the finding.

PS, I like it.

PPS, nod to Fillyboy who beat me to it.
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Why not paint the whole RAF inventory Hi Viz yellow?

Why not ?......

Warning over plans for new Royal Navy aircraft carriers

"Ambitious plans for the Royal Navy's two new aircraft carriers - each of which cost more than £3bn - will not be met without proper funding
The MoD is yet to commit the funding required for enough Lightning II fighter jets to sustain the carriers over their expected 50-year operating life, the NAO said in its report.
It also said the Navy had just one supply ship able to keep the carriers stocked with food and ammunition while on operations."

The government funding for the program to stop all homeless people in the UK being kicked out of their accomodation for another 6 months costs less than one of those american jets.

So which is money better spent?

The contract for the aircraft carriers were signed off by Gordon Brown in 2010 in the knowledge that the Labour party would not be in office to deliver them.
It was a vanity project by Brown purely to protect the jobs of Scottish shipbuilders. It has screwed up the MOD budget for 10yrs and beyond with the Navy suffering particularly hard in other ship/personnel support programmes.
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The contract for the aircraft carriers were signed off by Gordon Brown in 2010 in the knowledge that the Labour party would not be in office to deliver them.
It was a vanity project by Brown purely to protect the jobs of Scottish shipbuilders. It has screwed up the MOD budget for 10yrs and beyond with the Navy suffering particularly hard in other ship/personnel support programmes.
Was it really that simple? the ships were built in six different yards, how much is Dreadnought draining from the budget?

On 25 July 2007 Defence Secretary Des Browne announced the order for two new carriers.[23] At the time of approval the first carrier was expected to enter service in July 2015 and the budget was £4.085b for two ships.[24] The financial crisis led to a political decision in December 2008 to slow production, delaying Queen Elizabeth until May 2016. This added £1.56 billion to the cost.[24] By March 2010 the budget was estimated at £5.9 billion[24] and in November 2013 the contract was renegotiated with a budget of £6.2 billion.[25] The in-service date was further extended to 2020 in the Strategic Defence and Security Review in October 2010.[26]

Construction of Queen Elizabeth began in 2009. The assembly took place in the Firth of Forth at Rosyth Dockyard from nine blocks built in six UK shipyards: BAE Systems Surface Ships in Glasgow, Babcock at Appledore, Babcock at Rosyth, A&P Tyne in Hebburn, BAE at Portsmouth and Cammell Laird (flight decks) at Birkenhead.[27][28] Two of the lower main blocks, together weighing more than 6,000 tonnes and forming part of the base of the ship, were assembled and joined into one piece on 30 June 2011.[29]
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The government funding for the program to stop all homeless people in the UK being kicked out of their accomodation for another 6 months costs less than one of those american jets.

So which is money better spent?

The government funding for the program to stop all homeless people in the UK being kicked out of their accomodation for another 6 months costs less than one of those american jets.

So which is money better spent?
Yes i agree, another balls up by the Labour Goverment.
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