Church of England

Slogger said:
kendor and jtaunton still havent answerd me on the 2050 islamic state

What's the point? Any time anyone disagrees with you, you call them a traitor. And you don't even bother to address the issues they raise.

i am tired of childish behaviour thanks

Well I'm glad you've joined the rest of us on this one. Can we now expect to have a day, or even an hour, without a thread saying "deeth to all mosslams, I bladdy ate islamicisers I do!" eminating from your keyboard?

That would be swell.
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Slogger said:
kendor and jtaunton still havent answerd me on the 2050 islamic state

would you welcome it ? if the majority said that was the way to go

please dont get personal i am tired of childish behaviour thanks

Sorry - I missed the question.

If you are saying would I welcome the UK becoming a fundamentalist Muslim state, then No.

I would also not welcome the human race being enslaved by super intelligent apes by the year 2050, and consider it just as likely.

If you are asking if I would be bothered if Islam was to become the most-practised religion in the UK, then I'm not really fussed, but think that's fairly unlikely too, IMHO.

There are more important things in life to get worked up about than some imaginary Muslim plot to take over the UK, honestly........
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AdamW said:
Slogger said:
kendor and jtaunton still havent answerd me on the 2050 islamic state

What's the point? Any time anyone disagrees with you, you call them a traitor. And you don't even bother to address the issues they raise.

i am tired of childish behaviour thanks

Well I'm glad you've joined the rest of us on this one. Can we now expect to have a day, or even an hour, without a thread saying "deeth to all mosslams, I bladdy ate islamicisers I do!" eminating from your keyboard?

That would be swell.
?? seems you got me mixed up with someone i have never said the above ?? and wtf is a islamicisers just answer the question if you can
jtaunton said:
Slogger said:
kendor and jtaunton still havent answerd me on the 2050 islamic state

would you welcome it ? if the majority said that was the way to go

please dont get personal i am tired of childish behaviour thanks

Sorry - I missed the question.

If you are saying would I welcome the UK becoming a fundamentalist Muslim state, then No.

I would also not welcome the human race being enslaved by super intelligent apes by the year 2050, and consider it just as likely.

If you are asking if I would be bothered if Islam was to become the most-practised religion in the UK, then I'm not really fussed, but think that's fairly unlikely too, IMHO.

There are more important things in life to get worked up about than some imaginary Muslim plot to take over the UK, honestly........

imaginary ???? ok some of us are more aware than others i guess you cant just answer the question you have to add that little bit more dont you

ok thanks for the sort of answer i take it you would welcome and islamic state ok now we know whos side your on :evil:
As I've said in other threads, I have no desire to have enemies on this site, where everything degenerates into a big row, so here's the deal.

Let's meet up in the year 2050 and, if we're not a fundamentalist muslim state then you can buy me a pint. And if we are then...oh.....we'll think of something ;)
never as long as i bleed red wll there ever be a muslim leader in this country . there are alot of people who believe the saME!
Slogger said:
?? seems you got me mixed up with someone i have never said the above ?? and wtf is a islamicisers just answer the question if you can

I was actually rather proud of my imitation of your mannerisms... :cry:

If you would check your threads, I actually DID respond. Not sure if the thread has been removed now, but I wrote a long and eloquent response. Perhaps you ignored THAT response too, no doubt you accused me of being a traitor too.

The basic meat of my argument was:

The UK will not be a muslim state by 2050 for a few simple facts;

1) we like to drink
2) we are far too fond of a bacon sarnie
3) our women like to show flesh, and we like it when our women show flesh
4) religion, established or not, no longer dictates our views on legality and morality
5) durrrrrrrrrrr

I also likened your fears to those in 1894 when it was predicted that London would be under 9 feet of horse manure by the year 1944.

The UK being an islamic state by 2050, or even 2150, is no more likely than our official language becoming swahili and France being voted the country least likely to be disliked by a Brit.
Slogger said:
still cant aswer me ok i take it as a yes


Well, I thought I had, but here goes......

No, I do not want to live in an Islamic State.

If I did, I would have moved to Dubai. Or Kuwait. Or Saudi. Or Pakistan. Or Iran. Probably Dubai or Kuwait or Saudi though.

I like living in England, have nowhere I would rather live.

That is why I live in England

Now, and this is where we differ, I do not see the same threat to England as you do. That is why I am not so passionate about the matter.

And, if we did become an Islamic state, I might like it, I might not. If I didn't, I might consider moving to France. Or Italy. Or America. Or Cyprus.

Sorry that I can't answer just Yes or No, but I consider the whole issue to be a bit more complex than that.

Have I answered it yet ?
Become a muslim state? We've only just thrown off the constraints of an oppressive Christian state, so that's not likely.

In my lifetime I can remember swings in the local recci being chained up on Sundays to stop the kids playing on them. I went hungry on Sunday nights because the Christian establishment supported laws that prevented chippies opening on Sundays. Didn't apply to the rich, of course, who could afford alternatives.

I have empathy with the Hungarian expression "Bazoom Christie; bazoom Mariash", which I shall not translate as it would be moderated out.

Nothing pleases me more than to hear how the Church of England is having financial problems. Long may they escalate. :LOL:
user56565 said:
kendor said:
ok maybe i'm guilty of assuming but then so are you in saying the majority, i can only base my comments on talking to people.

i didn't say the majority, i said about 20-30%
Sorry to bring up this quote below from you in another post but that is why i used the term majority, seems you are doing a freddie and changing your mind? This is why i ignored the comments about crossing over threads as some are using this technique to change what they say and have said, to their advantage, therefore some comments although they may not sound relevant or look like they are being one sided in their snipes are because the topic has actually continued onto another thread.

user56565 said:
its the proportion of extremists to normal people that is really under question. some will argue that extremists number maybe 0.001%, others will argue 99% of their population is extremist. now if you believe that the extremists are a tiny minority, and i believe they are a sizeable proportion (say 70%), who's right?? i believe i am, due to mass demonstrations against musharraf (who is seen as a moderate), everyday people ignoring the existence of terrorist camps, mass celebrations over 9/11, no protests demanding a more moderate pakistan, etc..etc..

and i believe the pakistani govt to be extremist, due to the links i posted earlier.
The reason user56565 and Freddie don't like posts being remembered from other threads is they can then be seen with their make-up on. ie uncooked omlette mix.
jtaunton said:
There are more important things in life to get worked up about than some imaginary Muslim plot to take over the UK, honestly........

you've assumed this plot to be imaginary. what evidence do you have to suggest such a plot doesn't exist??

jtaunton said:
Let's meet up in the year 2050 and, if we're not a fundamentalist muslim state then you can buy me a pint. And if we are then...oh.....we'll think of something

haha :D

AdamW said:
The UK will not be a muslim state by 2050 for a few simple facts;

1) we like to drink
2) we are far too fond of a bacon sarnie
3) our women like to show flesh, and we like it when our women show flesh
4) religion, established or not, no longer dictates our views on legality and morality
5) durrrrrrrrrrr

I also likened your fears to those in 1894 when it was predicted that London would be under 9 feet of horse manure by the year 1944.

the uk will become whatever state the majority of UK people want it be. the UK will only become islamic if the majority of the population are muslim. this IMO isn't likely to happen in my lifetime, but in the future?? how can you be so sure, and outright dismiss the possibility that muslims will dominate population-wise?? people convert, people immigrate, also whites currently have fewer kids per couple, as opposed to the many that muslim couples have... you can't tell what will happen years down the road, but you can see what's happenning now.

kendor said:
Sorry to bring up this quote below from you in another post but that is why i used the term majority, seems you are doing a freddie and changing your mind? This is why i ignored the comments about crossing over threads as some are using this technique to change what they say and have said, to their advantage, therefore some comments although they may not sound relevant or look like they are being one sided in their snipes are because the topic has actually continued onto another thread.

kendor, this highlights my point completely, about why you shouldn't cross-thread. the first bit you've quoted, actually read:

i said:
the impression i get is that probably 20-30% uk muslims
its funny you left those last two words out, aint it?
the second, was in a separate post about pakistan, and extremism in the pakistani population:
others will argue 99% of their population is extremist. now if you believe that the extremists are a tiny minority, and i believe they are a sizeable proportion (say 70%), who's right??

so the two comments are completely separate about different things. i hope you will acknowledge your fault and failure in 'trying to catch me out', and your attempt to undermine my comments.

oilman said:
The reason user56565 and Freddie don't like posts being remembered from other threads is they can then be seen with their make-up on. ie uncooked omlette mix.

ive said nothing insulting, racist, or contradictory anywhere. in particular, ive never insulted you. so this comment once again justifies that you seem to be one of the main aggressors, and are one of the main people that seem intent on causing fights within these forums. i for one, won't be getting involved.
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