Church of England

To all concerned here

A forum is about people expressing there views on different subjects and topics.

Unfortunately Oilman has re-written the rules on this and says all similar threads are the same which results in cross threading and basically a mess with one disagreement being dragged across from one thread to another.

Also anybody who has a view which differs from his, he is now trying to put you all into one group and attack the whole group together as one even though we have different views

I basically suggest we just ignore his posts and dont bother to reply to him at all as it just feeds his strange vendetta
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Stoday said:
Become a muslim state? We've only just thrown off the constraints of an oppressive Christian state, so that's not likely.

In my lifetime I can remember swings in the local recci being chained up on Sundays to stop the kids playing on them. I went hungry on Sunday nights because the Christian establishment supported laws that prevented chippies opening on Sundays. Didn't apply to the rich, of course, who could afford alternatives.

I have empathy with the Hungarian expression "Bazoom Christie; bazoom Mariash", which I shall not translate as it would be moderated out.

Nothing pleases me more than to hear how the Church of England is having financial problems. Long may they escalate. :LOL:

I am with you Stoday but dont forget the Church is still the biggest land owner in the country most of it stolen and schemed from old ladies before they died, and dare we mention the Witchfinder days of our lovely churches??
What has the difference quoted by yourself about the UK and Pakistan got to do with your comment?? the point made ids that you are saying one thing in one post and then changing what you are saying in another post but the topic IS the same you seem to be trying to wriggle out of what you said now!
Lets get this straight the Majority of UK AND Pakistani Muslims are peaceful people and do not condone terrorism!
kendor said:
What has the difference quoted by yourself about the UK and Pakistan got to do with your comment?? the point made ids that you are saying one thing in one post and then changing what you are saying in another post but the topic IS the same you seem to be trying to wriggle out of what you said now!
Lets get this straight the Majority of UK AND Pakistani Muslims are peaceful people and do not condone terrorism!

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kendor said:
the point made ids that you are saying one thing in one post and then changing what you are saying in another post but the topic IS the same you seem to be trying to wriggle out of what you said now!


what are you going on about kendor?? they're not the same bloody topic!! i discussed extremism in the pakistani population in the other post, then extremism in the uk population in this one. the estimates i gave were different, because they each referred to different populations. how does this change what ive said in any other post?? how does it mean ive changed my mind?? what exactly am i trying to wriggle out of??
your comments are unjustified and based on nothing. so stop making them, and stop crossthreading.

kendor said:
Lets get this straight the Majority of UK AND Pakistani Muslims are peaceful people and do not condone terrorism!

now this statement shows you've changed your mind:

kendor said:
ok maybe i'm guilty of assuming ["moderate" most muslims are of this ilk] but then so are you in saying the majority, i can only base my comments on talking to people.

you admit making assumptions, but then make a bold statement which is based on assumptions which you know could be false. you couldn't even post a sensible reply to:

i said:
i disagree with you here. what evidence can you show to say that most muslims are moderate?? how do you, i, or anyone else know, how many muslims really trully are moderate or extremist??

if you stop making up things (like people are changing minds, people are wriggling out of things, etc..), and discuss things sensibly (like not assuming), itd help.
jtaunton said:
Slogger said:
still cant aswer me ok i take it as a yes


Well, I thought I had, but here goes......

No, I do not want to live in an Islamic State.

If I did, I would have moved to Dubai. Or Kuwait. Or Saudi. Or Pakistan. Or Iran. Probably Dubai or Kuwait or Saudi though.

I like living in England, have nowhere I would rather live.

That is why I live in England

Now, and this is where we differ, I do not see the same threat to England as you do. That is why I am not so passionate about the matter.

And, if we did become an Islamic state, I might like it, I might not. If I didn't, I might consider moving to France. Or Italy. Or America. Or Cyprus.

Sorry that I can't answer just Yes or No, but I consider the whole issue to be a bit more complex than that.

Have I answered it yet ?

so you would accept an islamic state as you stated above

now i know where your loyalities lie thanks for that

better dead than islamic for me
the uk will become whatever state the majority of UK people want it be. the UK will only become islamic if the majority of the population are muslim. this IMO isn't likely to happen in my lifetime, but in the future?? how can you be so sure, and outright dismiss the possibility that muslims will dominate population-wise?? people convert, people immigrate, also whites currently have fewer kids per couple, as opposed to the many that muslim couples have... you can't tell what will happen years down the road, but you can see what's happenning now.

who wrote that ?

for the above reasons only we need to put into place some legistaltion that would stop any muslim involvement in the running of this country


ban islam now
dont allow anyone a vote that wont pledge alliegence to the flag
bring in a 1 child per couple rule for all
close all mosks ( training camps )

deport immediatly all know illegal immigrants regardless what willl happen to them

make a new rule for any immigrant that if they do anything illegal for the first 5 years here they get deported

bring in the death penalty for terrorism ( anyone supporting them as well)

if your dont like it lump it leave the country as we dont want you here

majority of doo gooders on here must be muslims or liberals
Slogger said:
the uk will become whatever state the majority of UK people want it be. the UK will only become islamic if the majority of the population are muslim. this IMO isn't likely to happen in my lifetime, but in the future?? how can you be so sure, and outright dismiss the possibility that muslims will dominate population-wise?? people convert, people immigrate, also whites currently have fewer kids per couple, as opposed to the many that muslim couples have... you can't tell what will happen years down the road, but you can see what's happenning now.

who wrote that ?

for the above reasons only we need to put into place some legistaltion that would stop any muslim involvement in the running of this country


ban islam now
dont allow anyone a vote that wont pledge alliegence to the flag
bring in a 1 child per couple rule for all
close all mosks ( training camps )

deport immediatly all know illegal immigrants regardless what willl happen to them

make a new rule for any immigrant that if they do anything illegal for the first 5 years here they get deported

bring in the death penalty for terrorism ( anyone supporting them as well)

if your dont like it lump it leave the country as we dont want you here

majority of doo gooders on here must be muslims or liberals

We also need televised beheadings with the gulotine for the so called insurgents (murdering basterds
taking posts away again due to one certain individual who hasnt the bottle to come out and say why he complained ?

sad this is my posts where hitting the nail on the head seems if you get too close to the truth and people start to agree then blam wiped gone never to be seen again

this isnt open discussion this is pandering to one individual who hasnt opened his eyes yet ?

wake up little england and be counted the time is now to speak on on this evil religion which is sweaping acroos our good country
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