Climate change.

but nothing accounts for the climate change we are seeing. Why can't you see that?

Because they (the 'experts') ignore observations which are inconvenient to their cause.
How do we know that 'all outside influences have been checked'? We've only got their word for it, haven't we.
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Do you say the same about medical advances? Computing advances?

You are simply jumping on a bandwagon because you think it sounds clever.

It's NOT clever to believe in magic. :rolleyes:
IMHO If Joe would stop mouthing off for five minutes it would give the planet time to recover and cool down... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Google wrote
97% of climate experts agree humans are causing global warming.

The other 3% are probably funded by the oil companies. :LOL:
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Google wrote
97% of climate experts agree humans are causing global warming.

The other 3% are probably funded by the oil companies. :LOL:

No - it's the 97% that are like sheep.

The other 3% might be funded by the oil companies, but most of the 97% are funded by governments, which have a vested interest in proving that man-made climate change exists. After all this nonesense about wind-turbines, tipping points, J-curves, carbon footprints and re-cycling, they'd look pretty stupid if someone came along and proved that man-made climate change is a myth.
When 3% tell the world that the other 97% is wrong - guess who's really wrong.

You are simply jumping on a bandwagon because you think it sounds clever.

No - I don't jump on bandwagons.
But plenty of so-called scientists are jumping on the climate-change bandwagon because there's research money for them on it.
When 3% tell the world that the other 97% is wrong - guess who's really wrong.


The belief that the majority is always right draws ignorant people into the fold They want to be on what they perceive as the 'winning side' because it feels more comfortable to go with the flow.
Therein lies the problem because the belief becomes the received wisdom and no-one listens to the relatively few who question it.
So if 3% of the medical profession told you that antibiotics were bad for you - you'd stop taking them?

Stop being silly mate. You simply believe what you believe because you want to believe it.

Bandwagon-billy - that's you that is. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Google wrote
97% of climate experts agree humans are causing global warming.

The other 3% are probably funded by the oil companies. :LOL:

No - it's the 97% that are like sheep.

The other 3% might be funded by the oil companies, but most of the 97% are funded by governments, which have a vested interest in proving that man-made climate change exists. After all this nonesense about wind-turbines, tipping points, J-curves, carbon footprints and re-cycling, they'd look pretty stupid if someone came along and proved that man-made climate change is a myth.

The people who will suffer most from the effects off climate change are from the poor countries.

The professional classes (like you) from the west have the most freedom to lose from any government attempt to restrain co production therefore you will shout loudest from the denial soapbox.
It stands to reason.
I don't read the Daily Mail. Is that where you are getting your information from?
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