CO Gainsborough Care Home

They say it’s a 60 year old woman. I know there are women gas fitters but seems unusual.

More likely the owner, or manager. The only thought I have, of a heating system able to flood a building with CO, is one of those gas/ heated air systems, where the gas heats air indirectly, then the air is blown around the building via ducts.
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Mum's still got that.
We had that in a brand new house we moved into in 1971. Boiler in middle of house, clicked, 'boomed' and then blew hot air to the kitchen and lounge then up a shaft to my parents and sisters bedrooms but not mine!
Did she know something you didn't when choosing the bedroom?
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I worked on hundreds of the things, up until I jacked it in a few years ago. The vast majority of people who had them loved them.

I saw a few, condemned. The heat exchangers leaked, allowing CO to be distributed into the buildings. Maybe what has happened here.
I thought most of that type of system, were long gone.
We thought they were dinosaurs when we were looking for a new system for her in 1982.

She didn't want the upheaval of installing a wet system, so we replaced the old unit that year with a new Johnson and Starley warm air unit.
That's odd. They were calling it a CO leak earlier, now they are calling it manslaughter, but CO still involved, and a major evacuation of the area. Strange one, three dead..

That's odd because I heard it was manslaughter which was then confirmed as CO. A bit over the top but probably fell within the definition of a major incidents. That said there have been a few care home prosecutions where the managers/owners have got away scot free because the juries seemed reluctant to find respectable businesses responsible. To be fair its probably the fault of corporate manslaughter laws as well. Grenfell prosecutions (if any) will test that
I bet the cause is anti semitism, no doubt Motorbiking will be along quoting some law that “proves it”
Maybe these homes are in rehearsal for the assisted suicide law which is due to be introduced soon.
Solid reports have not confirmed anything yet. It's being investigated. CO is suspected.

Different forms of gas heating - an example
Its very serious but who is liable, the handyman, the gas fitter, the staff, the management, the owners, the board of directors, the lack of policies, the county council, the government?
Its very serious but who is liable, the handyman, the gas fitter, the staff, the management, the owners, the board of directors, the lack of policies, the county council, the government?

Obviously, liability is dependent on the circumstances.

Not maintained at all.
Maintenence done incorrectly / incompetently.
Plant condemned, then reinstated without being replaced or repaired first.
Plant misused.
Controls / mitigations circumvented or ignored (failure to test detectors : taping over vents to prevent draughts, and so on).

Each with potentially different persons responsible.

And, any other number of circumstances that I've not listed above.
Obviously, liability is dependent on the circumstances.

Not maintained at all.
Maintenence done incorrectly / incompetently.
Plant condemned, then reinstated without being replaced or repaired first.
Plant misused.
Controls / mitigations circumvented or ignored (failure to test detectors : taping over vents to prevent draughts, and so on).

Each with potentially different persons responsible.

And, any other number of circumstances that I've not listed above.
from the cases I've seen there is till room for everyone to blame everyone else. If replacing the batteries in the CO detector is the handyman's responsibility but there's no money in the budget, how is that responsibility passed back up the line?
If replacing the batteries in the CO detector is the handyman's responsibility but there's no money in the budget, how is that responsibility passed back up the line?

If it goes up as far as a pleb, they'll cop for it.

If it goes up far enough though, "the body corporate" takes the hit.*

Cynical, moi? ;)

*times are changing though, and no-one can now avoid personal responsibility.
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