I'm very aware of what I have written. If you think I have missed something, kindly explain to me what it is that you think I have missed.
You fail to explain why you are exasperated or glum.
Let's go back to your initial entry into the debate, not that you've offered anything resembling a debate yet.
My comment;
Your response:
Please explain, without using the repetitive phrase "assumption, assumption, assumption" precisely why you think my comment was divisive, while at the same time, you appear to be very comfortable with reaganandcarter's repetitive racist innuendos, some of which I have posted for your perusal.
Perhaps we have a misunderstanding - I'm really not interested in being right or in defending a position.
It is seriously difficult for me to understand how, when it is possible to write something as relevent, thoughtful and cogent as this in post 26:
You have conveniently conflated several issues to make your point.
a) The Black Boxer's representatives are not requesting any reparations, just an apology from the relevant Sporting Body. I would have thought that the Sporting Body ought to do the 'sporting' thing and apologise for their representatives' actions. It is irrelevant if the person who made that decision at the time is still alive, The decision was made on behalf of the Sporting Body and it continues to exist, or its relevant iteration.
So the 'analogy' of the boxer is a poor example. The later discussion about Genocide of Jews is more appropriate, as an analogy.
b) Reparations are not about punishing those responsible for the actions, that is usually not possible. They are about righting the wrongs of the past for those still suffering from the effects of those actions. Therefore the criteria is "are the victims, or their descendants, or their kith and kin (used in the original sense of the phrase) still suffering from the inappropriate, incorrect, illegal or inhuman actions of the past?" Therefore your phrase "and still in process" is very relevant. If the wrong actions, in the past, are still affecting the 'kith and kin' of the living, then reparations should be due. Those reparations are not compensation. Reparations are about righting the injustices of the past, not compensating for them.
Therefore reparations can be in the form of public acknowledgement, education, laws, reforms, etc. It is not about financial compensation.
It is absolutely not about punishing those responsible, which is invariably impossible."
...that it is not possible to see this as divisive:
Except for reganandcarter, he thinks he's a member of a superior race.
I bet he also thinks he's a model citizen.
...and that you are asking for help to be able to see this (for example) as assumptive:
"You obviously haven't read many of reganandcarter's comments"
When you are capable of writing so clearly and helpfully as in post 26, how do you manage not to see how unhelpful it is to sink into the kind of sneering point scoring insulting back and forth that follows?
What upsets me in this is that the very real people suffering in Gaza and elsewhere are completely absent from consideration in this whole "you're racist" "no you're racist" nonsense.
Do you really think that you will bring about positive change by calling people names?
The awful ongoing consequences of living in a racist world, where white supremacy permeates the beings of both white bodies and bodies of colour is clear for anyone who takes more than a cursery glance.
So, of course there's racism in you, and in reganandcarter, and in me - how could it be otherwise? Malcolm Gladwell was willing to admit to his prejudice against black men, so it seems a little rich for you and I to claim otherwise, quite frankly.
It would perhaps be more helpful if we were all able to admit this, and get curious about how we might change both ourselves and the world around us.
To engage in this childish point scoring name calling, in the context of the awful suffering going on right now, caused by racism, is frankly sickening - I invite us all to do better.