That depends, doesn't it on whether any one was physically assaulted.
Should actual banter be banned? What about between workmates?
But now you are introducing all sorts of other things including racism.
The man in question thumped a woman; that's it - assault. The same as if he had thumped a copper.
Ah, so how do we classify 'some'?
So, no one is allowed to offend anyone. Thought police next?
It is about being offended and more likely others thinking someone else have been offended.
I remind you -
"Under her leadership, Nottinghamshire has become the first police force to class misogyny as a hate crime. This includes unwanted or uninvited sexual advances, physical or verbal assault, unwanted or uninvited physical or verbal contact or engagement, and use of mobile phones to send unwanted or uninvited messages or take photographs without consent." .
I suppose you agree with Chief Constables making up their own laws because she thinks it a good idea.
Good luck with that one.