Dr Piper and the gas chambers:
The Leuchter Report revisited
Another question that should be asked: Is there any Zyklon B gas residue in the gas chamber, knowing that cyanide gas would, in fact, leave a residue?
In 1988, execution equipment expert Fred Leuchter conducted forensic examinations on the gas chambers at Auschwitz to answer that question.
He took samples from the four gas chambers at Birkenau, the one at the main camp and the control sample from one of the disinfestation chambers that we know did use Zyklon B. Now, the gas chamber samples showed almost no appreciable traces whereas the disinfestation sample literally went right off the scale.
More importantly though, in 1990, the Institute of Forensic Research in Krakow decided to conduct their own forensic tests to see if they could refute Fred Leuchter's findings. They did this with Dr. Piper's help.
Their own tests got back the same results so, since then, the question has not been, "Are there any appreciable traces of Zyklon B residue in the gas chambers?" but instead, "Why are there not any appreciable traces?"
I put this question to Dr. Piper. I asked him why there are so few appreciable traces in the homicidal gas chambers compared to the large amounts of traces found in the disinfestation chamber.
Piper: ...Gas chamber, the Zyklon B was operated a very short time, about 20, 30 minutes during 24 hours and in the disinfestation rooms it operated the whole day and night. Such was the procedure of using gas in the disinfectation rooms and gas chambers.
Now let's be perfectly clear about what Dr. Piper is saying. I asked him, "Why is the residue count high in the delousing chambers, but low in the homicidal ones?"
And he answers, because the delousing chambers were used "day and night" whereas the homicidal ones were used "about 20,30 minutes during 24 hours," this would account for roughly one gassing a day. Now not only does this contradict the eyewitness testimonies which speak of repeated homicidal gassings going on day and night but Dr. Piper also manages to contradict himself because later on in the interview I asked him how many groups of people a day would be gassed and he, too, speaks of repeated gassings."
Another unfortunate truth eh?