Concentration camps

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I see your still struggling with digesting what i have typed so in future i will type a bit slower as it may help you.
Look forward to picking your next stupid comment to bits, if i could be a***d reading the entire thread no doubt i would find several more examples of your gross stupidity ;)

Oh dear, the insults are starting. Answer my questions will you - you look a bit daft if you can't.
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I read with an open mind. The balance of probability shifts according to research and common sense. You were brainwashed from birth. ;)

What do you mean i was brainwashed from birth?

You were brought up to believe something is true that isn't true.

Children learn from their parents and peers without using any logic to check the information as they are too young. It's usually referred to as 'hard wiring'. Richard Dawkins talks about it in regard to evolution.

You must have been brought up in one serious hard core neo nazi environment then.
No. I believed it all until around ten years ago. Where did you learn it from?
Alumni. I keep asking you this question but you refuse to answer it.

"How many died in the Holocaust?" (to the nearest million).

If you cannot answer - then at least let us know eh?
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Why did they keep tens of thousands of typhus victims alive at real risk to the German guards?

Answer please.
you did??

Make your mind up.

You did, you didn't, dunno, you do.

Anyway, off to earn a bob or two. Have a nice day and don't make too much of a mess over that keyboard Joe. :D
you did??

Make your mind up.

You did, you didn't, dunno, you do.

Anyway, off to earn a bob or two. Have a nice day and don't make too much of a mess over that keyboard Joe. :D

Run away Alumni - I'll get back on your case when you return. ;)
No-one admitted killing the 12 million at Nuremberg. At that time I think the figure was six million - but what's a few million here or there?
What part of i have no view on it are you struggling to understand .

Insults where ?

I have typed this really slowly, hope it helps it sink in better for you

Try talking like that in the pub.
Don't be daft. We all know that you are soft girl Bambergaspipe. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

If the figure is four million - then you are a holocaust denier. Welcome aboard. ;)
So let's recap on numbers then.

Peaps and Alumni think the figure is 12 million.

You think it is 4 million.

Snico thinks it's 2-3 million.

Can you see we have a problem here? No-one seems to know what the numbers are - so how can we take any of it seriously?

Then we come down to how many died in transit? How many from typhus etc.

Can you see why I'm struggling to make any sense out of this?
But that figure included the supposed 4 million at Auschwitz that was later dropped to 1.1 million.

See what I mean?

How can you believe in something that isn't true? The Nuremberg numbers are just not true - everyone accepts that much.
Question for Joe 90.

The final solution does not seem to be ridding Germany of the Jews, if it was why didn't the Nazi regime just drive them over the borders before the war?

Exactly Uri - which is where the 12 million went. Thank you for letting us all know.

Okay then. You wanted documentation and so forth for the extermination of the Jews, show me the documentation that 12 million Jews were driven across the border.
Show me documentation that they ever existed.
Joe 90 assertion is that the "missing" Jews went to Israel. Where is that documentation? Have you got the Jewish population of that are before the formal creation of Israel, then the poulation after its creation? Also documentation to show where any migrating Jews came from?

You expect proof and evidence from others but decline to provide any for your own crackpot theories. And you still dodge direct questions asked of you.
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