conservatives are

People may assume scrapping FE tuition fees is a good idea, and that the so-called 'dementia tax' is a bad idea and that therefore the Tories
will either loose, or have a smaller majority.
But on the morning of June 8th, people's minds will not be on nationalization or who pays for social care, but on the party leaders. In the final analysis, most will probably see May as more competent than Corbyn - particularly with Brexit looming - and will vote accordingly.
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It's not long till the end of May.

Take a look at the people in Corbyn's crowds.

They'll still be here at the next election.

The Kippers won't.
It is only 4 days until the end of May.

Agree that UKIP is finished - it's done it's job, but many of their votes will go to the Tories. And as regards Corbyns' crowds - have you heard of the shy Tories?
Unlike Thatcher, TM is no iron fist in the iron glove, but few people seriously think that Corbyn is PM material. Forget manifestos, this GE is really the second Referendum which Remainers always wanted.
My 'career' in voting is possibly indicative of the general shift to the right of the major parties.
During my earlier years , in the 70's and 80's, I always voted Tory. Definitely not Labour.
Then in the 90's and 00's, as I perceived the Tories were becoming further right-wing, my vote switched to Lib-Dem.
Now that Tim Farron cannot, or will not accept gay sex, and wants to legalise Cannabis, and JC seems to be calling better shots, my vote is moving to Labour.
I do wish that the old Blairites, (Balls, Burnham, Johnson, et al) would get behind their leader and form a united Labour Party.
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Corbyn is guaranteed large crowds in Labour heartlands. I'm sure TM would pull similar crowds if she chose to tour the blue belt.
I'm sure TM would pull similar crowds if she chose to tour the blue belt.

you've seen her posed photo with a bus and a handful of chosen faithful, outnumbered by the photographers.

she's to scared to meet the public. Strong and Stable? Nonsense.

She had a few staged meetings with small selected audiences of dependable supporters. On one occasion the local press were not invited, and when they arrived they were locked in a separate room.

Prime minister material my arse.

When she visited a toothpaste factory in Tory Maidenhead, the workers were ordered to attend and you can see how much she impressed them. Luckily the right-wing press tries not to draw attention to her weakness. Did you see this pic in the Mail or the Sun or the Express?


And here she is in a plastics factory in Derbyshire.

How many of "the people" can you see?


It was here that she forgot where on the campaign trail she was, telling journalists: “I’m pleased to come to this…er…this particular town.”

"“Ask why she didn’t meet any of the people at the business who work in that beautiful building. Everyone there was an invite-only Tory,” tweeted Rik Kendell, a Leeds-based developer and designer who says he works in the Shine building. “She didn’t arrive until we’d all left for the day. Everyone in the building past 6pm was invite-only . ."

In other news:
Theresa May has refused to back Boris Johnson to stay as Foreign Secretary after the election.

Asked if she would keep him in post after June 8, the Prime Minister swerved the question and would only say: "Boris is doing a great job as Foreign Secretary.

Chancellor Hammond is also for the chop.
not a British Citizen.

The RWRs would never accept a Palestinian immigrant who opposes their views and doesn't speak English. Theresa would prevent him gaining citizenship.

The tory press would fight his views on the redistribution of wealth and the living wage. He also opposed tax-dodgers like the boss of the Daily Mail.

And not anti-Muslim. Roger would explode.
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