conservatives are

The RWRs would never accept a Palestinian immigrant who opposes their views and doesn't speak English.
Jesus was a Palestinian? I've heard it all now. And there I thought in the bible it mentioned he was born into the Jewish faith.. So because Bethlehem is in "modern day" Palestine, it was always in Palestine? Where's this Israel you claim shouldn't exist then? Where exactly was it in biblical times? What happened to it in the intervening years (between biblical times and 1948? ) Did it just cease to exist?
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sorry mate, you aren't making sense.

You are confusing the religious affiliation of a group with borders of a territory.

Where do you think the geographic area of Israel was?

Where do you think the borders of Christianity are today?
you've seen her posed photo with a bus and a handful of chosen faithful, outnumbered by the photographers.

she's to scared to meet the public. Strong and Stable? Nonsense.

She had a few staged meetings with small selected audiences of dependable supporters. On one occasion the local press were not invited, and when they arrived they were locked in a separate room.

Prime minister material my arse.

When she visited a toothpaste factory in Tory Maidenhead, the workers were ordered to attend and you can see how much she impressed them. Luckily the right-wing press tries not to draw attention to her weakness. Did you see this pic in the Mail or the Sun or the Express?


And here she is in a plastics factory in Derbyshire.

How many of "the people" can you see?


It was here that she forgot where on the campaign trail she was, telling journalists: “I’m pleased to come to this…er…this particular town.”

"“Ask why she didn’t meet any of the people at the business who work in that beautiful building. Everyone there was an invite-only Tory,” tweeted Rik Kendell, a Leeds-based developer and designer who says he works in the Shine building. “She didn’t arrive until we’d all left for the day. Everyone in the building past 6pm was invite-only . ."

In other news:
Theresa May has refused to back Boris Johnson to stay as Foreign Secretary after the election.

Asked if she would keep him in post after June 8, the Prime Minister swerved the question and would only say: "Boris is doing a great job as Foreign Secretary.

Chancellor Hammond is also for the chop.
There's nothing inherently wrong with this - politics is often stage-managed to give the desired impression - akin to advertising, really - you put products in attractive packaging if you want them to sell.
When these things are not attended to, remember Gordon Brown being photographed under the "Way Out" sign; and the embarrasment of 'Biggotgate' in Rochdale.
She should be doing her job of trying to run the country, not fooling about electioneering.
Since she started the campaign, she has been hiding from the country and only visiting small groups of selected party faithful. It's noticeable that the more the voters see of her, the less they like her.
IIRC, her stock response to questions about her position during the referendum campaign was always, "I just want to get on with my job."
A shrinking violet perhaps? It might explain her rather awkward demeanour during her public limited appearances.
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Look, John, it doesn't matter if they elect a chimpanzee as long as whoever is PM gets us out of that compost heap of the EU.
I watched the Conservative PP Broadcast last night, not something I normally do with any PP Broadcast.
I noticed a couple of glaring scare tactics produced by the PM:
1. She said that Brexit negotiations would have to be conducted with 27 other member states. Wrong!
In fact, the EU has decreed that:
So as not to undercut the position of the Union, there will be no separate negotiations between individual Member States and the United Kingdom on matters pertaining to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union.
So either she does not understand the Brexit negotiation process or she is misleading the electorate.

2. She also said that the Tories need to lose only six seats for Jeremy Corbyn to be leading those negotiations. Wrong!
This is not an automatic outcome.
The Tory working majority was 17.
If the Tories lost 6 seats they would still be the largest party, by 5 seats. In the event of a hung parliament, the largest party tries to form a government (perhaps with a coalition) otherwise the second largest party also tries to form a government. Alternatively one of the parties manages a minority government.
Either the PM does not understand the parliamentary process, or she is misleading the electorate.
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1. She said that Brexit negotiations would have to be conducted with 27 other member states. Wrong!
In fact, the EU has decreed that:
So either she does not understand the Brexit negotiation process or she is misleading the electorate.
I think what TM is getting at is the fact that although Brexit negotiations are solely with the EU, all 27 countries have to agree to the terms. Can you see all 27 member countries agreeing on Brexit terms? At the moment there's turmoil within the EU. Just look at several countries refusal to agree to Merkel's "immigration quotas" I agree with TM's view that we are indeed negotiating with 27 countries, (Or would you rather that 25 countries just simply obey the wishes of their masters, so in reality we're only really negotiating with 2) ?
I think what TM is getting at is the fact that although Brexit negotiations are solely with the EU, all 27 countries have to agree to the terms. Can you see all 27 member countries agreeing on Brexit terms? At the moment there's turmoil within the EU. Just look at several countries refusal to agree to Merkel's "immigration quotas" I agree with TM's view that we are indeed negotiating with 27 countries, (Or would you rather that 25 countries just simply obey the wishes of their masters, so in reality we're only really negotiating with 2) ?
I see you have not read any more of that excerpt. Allow me to reprint the relevant bit for you:
2. Negotiations under Article 50 TEU will be conducted in transparency and as a single package. In accordance with the principle that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, individual items cannot be settled separately. The Union will approach the negotiations with unified positions, ....
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