conservatives are

On another issue:
Tens of thousands of expat pensioners may return to the UK to use the NHS after Brexit - unless a deal can be done to let them keep receiving care abroad, a think tank has warned.
The Nuffield Trust estimates the cost of treating them - on home soil, rather than abroad - could double to £1bn.
Currently, the UK gives about £500m a year to EU countries that care for Brits who have retired abroad.
So what?
There will be still £359.5B (from the £360B :rolleyes:) left after we are out of the EU. :rolleyes:
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On another issue:
I see you have not read any more of that excerpt. Allow me to reprint the relevant bit for you:
Negotiations under Article 50 TEU will be conducted in transparency and as a single package. In accordance with the principle that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, individual items cannot be settled separately. The Union will approach the negotiations with unified positions, ....
In other words, the smaller EU countries will obey their masters ??? Their total agreement between each other on immigration quotas, shows they're all working together for the EU ,, doesn't it.
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In other words, the smaller EU countries will obey their masters ??? Their total agreement between each other on immigration quotas, shows they're all working together for the EU ,, doesn't it.
You seem to be taking a situation that the EU has with intra-member disputes, and extropolating that to the approach that the EU will take towards negotiations with third parties (i.e. the UK in Brexit talks).
It does not wok like that.
For instance, any dispute we have intra-family over washing machines, is not extrapolated to discussions with third party non-family members, (Much to arse end's chagrin, because it appears that he longs to participate in our intra-family discussions. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Maybe he does not have family of his own. :()
More embarrassment for Mrs May:
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn says he will take part in a seven-way BBC general election debate later.
Lib Dem leader Tim Farron, UKIP's Paul Nuttall, SNP deputy leader Angus Robertson, Green co-leader Caroline Lucas and Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood will take part.
Theresa May has refused to take part in any debates, so Home Secretary Amber Rudd will be representing the Tories.
Unfortunately, Mrs May will not be accomplishing any records for her rather short reign as PM, the shortest was little more than 100 days.
Maybe as leader of the Tories she may be on course for a record. (y)
Seems she folds like a wet tissue. Not what I expected to be honest.
For instance, any dispute we have intra-family over washing machines, is not extrapolated to discussions with third party non-family members

Ahh so that's like when our washing machine broke down last year and my husband said "I can fix that" and a week later it still wasn't working. I phoned a third party non family member (eg a repair engineer) to come and have a look ? (I must stress, I was not related to the repair engineer) Hmmmmm You are saying that 27 countries will all agree on whatever is negotiated ,, without argument (at any stage of the negotiations) ?
You are saying that 27 countries will all agree on whatever is negotiated ,, without argument (at any stage of the negotiations) ?
No. I am not saying that!
The EU is saying that, or the chief EU negotiator, Michel Barnier is saying that!
former French Minister and Commission Vice-President Michel Barnier will lead the Commission’s Taskforce for the Preparation and Conduct of the Negotiations with the UK.
Except I do not think he is saying quite what you have suggested. I am sure there will be arguments and negotiations prior to whatever is agreed being agreed. But once it is agreed by the EU as a negotiating position, it will be a unified position, and the EU Chief negotiator will know all the red lines, etc of the individual member countries and will work within them.

So now we have determined that the UK will not be negotiating with 27 other countries, what is your opinion about the PM, does she, like you, not understand the negotiation process, or is she trying to mislead the electorate?
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Ahh so that's like when our washing machine broke down last year and my husband said "I can fix that" and a week later it still wasn't working. I phoned a third party non family member (eg a repair engineer) to come and have a look ? (I must stress, I was not related to the repair engineer) Hmmmmm You are saying that 27 countries will all agree on whatever is negotiated ,, without argument (at any stage of the negotiations) ?

:rolleyes: exactly spot on ;) these remoaners really are naive (bless em :))

bit off topic . but u made mention of a washing machine. should u happen into him again it may be of assistance if u pass on the WM repair company details to him .May come in handy when his machine go's pear shaped (when he eventually gets one for his partner?to date he has not got off his r** end )
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Hi Dear wannabeDIY,
I voted remain (guess you did that as well), but the result wasn't what I thought should be. So the question is what to do. To run another referandum? It can only trigger more problems and won't solve any issue.

To agree on what labor is doing? Say we will end free movement and remain in the single market? Do we really think EU will be that stupid? Just let UK to pick the good bit without consequences? That will trigger lots of internal issues within EU. So there will be a very high price UK will pay if we follow labour's plan.

Unfortunately I draw the conclusion that Conservative is the only party can fight this, as at least they dare to say "no deal is better than bad deal". For me, that gives UK real fighting chances. Will they succeed? I don't know, but I think they have more chances than other parties.
afaik him again is a socialist meaning he has got nothing ( not even a WM) but is prepared to share it with every one else :LOL:
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