Coronavirus clap.

Perhaps you'd like to tell us how johnny2007 knows which of his potential customers are immigrants.
If you met me, after decades in this country and speaking mainly english, you would know immediately that i'm an immigrant by my accent and my Christian name (Giovanni).
And that despite the fact that i'm white with blue eyes, so could be mistaken for a native, until i introduce myself.

Really? That's good coming from dumplumber who happily votes for politicians who are known compulsive liars. You're obviously gullible enough to willingly and knowingly fall for any old spiel, knowing that virtually nothing of what has been promised will materialise? Not so bright, are you?

And of course, rather than putting forward an argument (because you don't have one because, in the main, what I said is patently obvious to most but you) - you just rubbish my post without anything to try to show it's incorrect. Because you can't, can you?

If you're so naive, perhaps you believed some lies that a politician told you about all cultures assimilating and intergrating well into UK society. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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f you're so naive, perhaps you believed some lies that a politician told you about all cultures assimilating and intergrating well into UK society.

Cultures will never fully assimilate, Lordy, can you imagine Devon people putting the clotted cream on their scones before the jam, as opposed to the Cornish way of jam first, or is it the other way round? I really cant remember, who cares?
either way as long as there’s tea. preferably in a little metal teapot. with extra water for more tea.
What sort of tea? do you go for Earl Grey or Assam, Orange Pekoe or EBT
That's the way I've always done it, seems logical. I think the Cornish way might be the opposite.
The cream is thicker than the jam. Awkward trying to spread thick cream on thin jam. Makes a right mess.