Coronavirus clap.

I asked an Italian friend how he became so good at conversational English so quickly. He told me that watching a lot of tv really helped. Though you run the risk of learing American English.
I too have an Italian friend who taught herself English through watching TV. No lessons at all. She then started to learn about grammar etc by teaching herself reading about it online and is now so good she corrects me :)
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Depends on how they behave. Some cultures assimilate quickly and easily. Others behave like recent arrivals even though they're third generation immigrants. These are usually the ones with values at odds with the British population.
Like who?
....immigrants coming here with the sole intention to live on benefits AND also impose their culture upon us. in luxurious mansions to house their 7/8 kids, with money to throw away...
I walked away from those jobs the moment they started boosting about their benefit income.

No they didn't. You're making it up. They never say that. Look at this graph it will prove that you didn't hear them say that. - John D, Notch etc.
It's funny you mention that andy11.
When I read Johnny2007's post, I thought, is he telling us that he goes to a stranger's house to quote for a job, then they start telling him all about their benefit income?
I could possssssibly understand it if they explained how they were on benefit, and therefore poor, so couldn't afford a high-priced job.
But to accept that they boost (sic) about how wealthy they are due to benefits, it beggars belief.

Does any potential client boast about their income to a trader who is about to give them a quote for a job?

But johnny2007's attitude is summed up by his comment, "immigrants coming here with the sole intention to live on benefits AND also impose their culture upon us."
And of course, johnny2007's amazing powers of perception. He can detect which of his potential clients are immigrants by something which he doesn't disclose to us mere mortals. Unless his potential clients' opening greetings are, "Hello, I'm a rich immigrant living on generous benefits, in a luxury mansion with 7 or 8 kids."
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But johnny2007's attitude is summed up by his comment, "immigrants coming here with the sole intention to live on benefits AND also impose their culture upon us."
Actually, johnny2007’s FULL quote is "I too disagree with immigrants coming here with the sole intention to live on benefits AND also impose their culture upon us". I see nothing wrong with that attitude. Do you?
"I too disagree with immigrants coming here with the sole intention to live on benefits AND also impose their culture upon us". I see nothing wrong with that attitude. Do you?
its a well worn argument

all you talk about is immigrants come here to live on benefits and impose their culture on us.

you don't balance the argument with the benefits of immigration.
its a well worn argument

all you talk about is immigrants come here to live on benefits and impose their culture on us.

you don't balance the argument with the benefits of immigration.
There isn't any, our little country is stupidly over crowded to start with, more and more people is never going to be sustainable in the long term. Our population can not expand indefinably, we need to educate and train our own young people better, and build our economy that way.

governments like immigration, it is a simplistic way to increase GDP and hide over spending - hence our recent offer to Hong Kong for their 3 million to come here, we're not really being generous but it would help hide the massive black hole of UK debt we're heading towards. The last thing our little island needs is more people.
But to accept that they boost (sic) about how wealthy they are due to benefits, it beggars belief.

Bob, I'm sorry but this does happen. There are benefit scroungers who brag about how much they are receiving, and there are some who call you a mug for working for a living. I don't know what sort of cosseted world you live in, but in the real world there are some very nasty people about.
I'm told there are some people who build their country cottages without planning permission, and don't pay council tax.

This world has some shameless people in it.
Actually, johnny2007’s FULL quote is "I too disagree with immigrants coming here with the sole intention to live on benefits AND also impose their culture upon us". I see nothing wrong with that attitude. Do you?

Bob, I'm sorry but this does happen. There are benefit scroungers who brag about how much they are receiving, and there are some who call you a mug for working for a living.
Perhaps you'd like to tell us how johnny2007 knows which of his potential customers are immigrants.

And do you honestly believe that a potential customer is going to boast about their income (however it arrives) just when you are about to give them a quote for a job?

Pull the other one.

As for his attitude, and as to your question, there is an assumption underlying the statement, that "immigrants want to impose their culture on us".