Coronavirus clap.

But at what point would you feel you had a right to a say or cast a vote?
I think I might be able to vote here but I am not that bothered.

Because at present after 15 years you would have no say in the UK, and that cut off period is about to change both here and in the EU.
I had not voted in the UK for longer than that anyway because of living in safe seat constituencies.

Do you accept that you will be disenfranchised from any form of 'democracy' merely because of where you wish to live?
I think democracy is a stupid idea which leads, as with the language, to the will of the ignorant prevailing.

As the saying goes, if voting made a difference, they wouldn't let you do it. This has been proved by the huge mistake by Cameron of having the referendum.
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How long have you been over there, EFLI?
How is your command of portuguese?
Four and a half years now.
I wouldn't call it a command. I have said before. I can ask for things in shops and quite understand the written word but the most difficult is understanding spoken replies - which just leads to them just speaking English to save time.

It might be like people learning English and moving to Glasgow.

And, why Portugal, rather than Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Cyprus, Malta..........?
You would have asked that wherever it was but it is England's longest ally and more friendly than France or Spain. I don't know about the others - Greek alphabet???
Further to the point about being a guest is that it's only been four and a half years.

I am sure some on here do not distinguish between recent arrivals and what they regard as immigrants who were in fact born in the country.
I have never once seen you post anything positive about immigrants

Really? What about these posts then?

"Why do you, Notchy, Ellie and the rest of your gang keep saying that? We DO want immigration but only those immigrants that want to work. What we DONT want are those immigrants that come here to beg, steal, rob and ponce from the state as we have enough of our own scum to do that."

"No problem at all with those who WE invite over to work claiming those benefits"

"No problem with immigrants as long as they are either here as a tourist, spending money and boosting the economy or working".

"Where do you get it that I hate foreign people? I just hate ponces that take from society without putting anything in and that includes British people as well".

At least I don’t resort to falsifying quotes - for the umpteenth time of asking, * can you show me where I said "Black families are all thieves"* because you quoted me as saying that but you’ve never been able to show it to me when asked. You then craftily deleted your comments when you were caught out. I think you are the one trying to stir up racial hatred here.

* It’s at this point that Notchy goes all quiet or comes back with a bit of deflection. Let’s see which it will be.
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Really? What about these posts then?

"Why do you, Notchy, Ellie and the rest of your gang keep saying that? We DO want immigration but only those immigrants that want to work. What we DONT want are those immigrants that come here to beg, steal, rob and ponce from the state as we have enough of our own scum to do that."

"No problem at all with those who WE invite over to work claiming those benefits"

"No problem with immigrants as long as they are either here as a tourist, spending money and boosting the economy or working".

"Where do you get it that I hate foreign people? I just hate ponces that take from society without putting anything in and that includes British people as well".

At least I don’t resort to falsifying quotes - for the umpteenth time of asking, * can you show me where I said "Black families are all thieves"* because you quoted me as saying that but you’ve never been able to show it to me when asked. You then craftily deleted your comments when you were caught out. I think you are the one trying to stir up racial hatred here.

* It’s at this point that Notchy goes all quiet or comes back with a bit of deflection. Let’s see which it will be.

Well said.
I'm an immigrant myself even though i spent most of my life here, but proudly never took advantage of the system.
Good thing I could work all my life so I paid my ways.
I too disagree with immigrants coming here with the sole intention to live on benefits AND also impose their culture upon us.
I have come across a lot of them living in luxurious mansions to house their 7/8 kids, with money to throw away on solid oak floors.
I walked away from those jobs the moment they started boosting about their benefit income.
Further to the point about being a guest is that it's only been four and a half years.

I am sure some on here do not distinguish between recent arrivals and what they regard as immigrants who were in fact born in the country.

I'm not worried where they are born, my concern is how they treat my country. I know foreigners who treat it far better than those born hear.

It's all about being a good person.
Say its not your call do you mean?
Yes, I considered myself as a guest in Oz and played the diplomatic card whenever royalty or republicanism was brought up, to be fair it was quite rare and often ill informed
but the most difficult is understanding spoken replies - which just leads to them just speaking English to save time.

I have the same problem on my visits to Czech Republic. It's all very well to say something in Czech to them, but then they fire a reply back at you assuming you can speak like a native. Luckily outside Prague, not a lot of English is spoken so we have to persevere. Slavic languages are tough as they bear little relation to English unlike French, etc.

I asked an Italian friend how he became so good at conversational English so quickly. He told me that watching a lot of tv really helped. Though you run the risk of learing American English.
I am sure some on here do not distinguish between recent arrivals and what they regard as immigrants who were in fact born in the country.

Depends on how they behave. Some cultures assimilate quickly and easily. Others behave like recent arrivals even though they're third generation immigrants. These are usually the ones with values at odds with the British population.