Coronavirus: Trump to halt US funding for World Health Organisation

we've all had symptoms, but not the high fever and breathing problems (I have been a little breathless a couple of times - not a joke!). But as we have not been tested, cannot be tested, who knows if we are immune, and safe to mingle with others?

Test, test, test. Exit.

Maybe you just had a really bad flu-like cough? I did, but none of my contacts caught it or died of it, so probably not CV.
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Maybe you just had a really bad flu-like cough? I did, but none of my contacts caught it or died of it, so probably not CV.
The trouble is that only about 8% of people who catch it will be hospitalised. So there is no way to tell if you did have it until the antibody tests arrive in large numbers.
The trouble is that only about 8% of people who catch it will be hospitalised. So there is no way to tell if you did have it until the antibody tests arrive in large numbers.
scarily I watched a virologist speaking yesterday -she said we dont know how long immunity will last, it coul dbe 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years.

she also said that a person cant still test positive to CV for a few weeks after theyve had it, even though they are no longer symptomatic and no longer infectious.

the joys of a novel virus.
In other words the experts don't really know much more about this virus than anyone else.
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Maybe you just had a really bad flu-like cough? I did, but none of my contacts caught it or died of it, so probably not CV.

wasn't like flu. Had headaches, got very very tired, totally lost sense of taste and smell for about 2 weeks (just coming back now), upper back ache (i.e. lungs) and even now if I go for a walk I am knackered after. Never had symptoms like that from a cold before, and I've had plenty of colds!
100's of 1000's have recovered from CV are they being monitored to see how many become reinfected.
As Vaccines for SARs and MERs still aren't available the prospect of a Vaccine for CV anytime soon looks remote.
The only way forward is to concentrate on devoloping a simpler test which can be cheaply produced by the million which would mean all staff could be tested before entering hospitals or care homes.
Any staff infected with CV but not showing symptoms could be identified and isolated before they could infect others.
Trump says he has a test which gives a result in 5 minutes but then again Trump says a lot of things which aren't true.
Seems fair to me. What with so many Americans living a surviavlist / prep lifestyle, eating roadkill and whatever other animals they can legally take from the wild, it could just as easily happen in America. I bet Trump and co wouldn't like it if we called it the American virus, if it did. To call it the China virus, or as Trump calls it, Chinyah, is another way to discredit, apportion blame, and try to give them a bad name. A person in China caught it, the nation didn't make it!
100's of 1000's have recovered from CV are they being monitored to see how many become reinfected.
As Vaccines for SARs and MERs still aren't available the prospect of a Vaccine for CV anytime soon looks remote.
The only way forward is to concentrate on devoloping a simpler test which can be cheaply produced by the million which would mean all staff could be tested before entering hospitals or care homes.
Any staff infected with CV but not showing symptoms could be identified and isolated before they could infect others.
Trump says he has a test which gives a result in 5 minutes but then again Trump says a lot of things which aren't true.

But why only care homes? Most old people live in their own homes, or in homes with their children - none of these will be protected.
Seems fair to me. What with so many Americans living a surviavlist / prep lifestyle, eating roadkill and whatever other animals they can legally take from the wild, it could just as easily happen in America. I bet Trump and co wouldn't like it if we called it the American virus, if it did. To call it the China virus, or as Trump calls it, Chinyah, is another way to discredit, apportion blame, and try to give them a bad name. A person in China caught it, the nation didn't make it!

Unless you believe the conspiracy theory, which Trump probably does.
who trump.png
In other words the experts don't really know much more about this virus than anyone else.

They don't know much more yet. They do know about other Corona viruses and sadly the immune response to them typically lasts around a year. So not permanent protection.

The reason that we know so much that is the experts are taking care to educate us on the details. It's a lot easier to understand a summary than it is to work out how to use PCR to identify the RNA in a virus.

Edit: it's also a bit tricky to know how long the immune response to a virus lasts when it's only been known about for five months.
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