COVID vaccines and heart attack risk revealed

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Oh look an anti vaxxer that doesn’t understand why governments gave vaccine manufacturers immunity from prosecution.
Oh look, a jab junkie who doesn't understand why governments signed away their right to claim compensation over the hasty roll outs of various untested 'vaccines'!

Corrected for you and all the other unquestioning compliant fools btw ;)
How about also removing the de facto immunity from prosecution that seems to exist around the fraudulent claims for furlough and fast tracked vip lane ppe contracts.
Ah, but many jab junkies were also probably recipients of said fraudulent claims ;)
various untested 'vaccines'!
They've certainly stood the test now. 83 million (UK) vaccines administered. 3 years on and not a murmur. Suspected vaccine deaths 9 or 0.00001084337%.

Safer than Calpol boyo and there is not a medicine on the planet that has had a greater beneficial impact, in such a short time, to the human race.

Thank the heavens for vaccines. (y)
In a limited way only.
Care to tell us the limited amounts available, and whether those amounts are taxpayer funded? ;)

You know that's a lie.
Prove me wrong then...

And whilst you are about it show us definitive independent proof that all those vaccines were tested within all normally accepted control groups over a scientifically accepted time period...

Oh, and can you also tell us why doctors in one of the most highly jabbed/isolated country (NZ) during the 'virus' period are calling for a halt to the jabs?

Are they 'lying' in your opinion?
They've certainly stood the test now. 83 million (UK) vaccines administered. 3 years on and not a murmur. Suspected vaccine deaths 9 or 0.00001084337%.

Safer than Calpol boyo and there is not a medicine on the planet that has had a greater beneficial impact, in such a short time, to the human race.

Thank the heavens for vaccines. (y)
And yet you can't back that claim up, so you swerve yet again...
The testing process has already been posted on this thread, if you can't be bothered reading it that is not my problem. Billions of vaccines delivered, safer than Calpol, boyo.
And do you have an opinion on whether you think those NZ doctors are lying or not?
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