COVID vaccines and heart attack risk revealed

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They've certainly stood the test now. 83 million (UK) vaccines administered. 3 years on and not a murmur. Suspected vaccine deaths 9 or 0.00001084337%.
You obviously haven't looked at the ONS figures then...

Or written submissions to parliament...

But then I guess you don't care, since you appear to be claiming that it's ok that the 'testing' took place after being administered to the general population...

As the old saying goes, 'there's one idiot jabbed every minute' ;)
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Which post number?
I've done enough to help you out already...

Not my fault you are too denso to search :LOL:

But now that you have the link again, how about commenting on it?

Or are you going to do that well worn and priceless swerve maneuver of yet again? :rolleyes:
You obviously haven't looked at the ONS figures then...

Or written submissions to parliament...

But then I guess you don't care, since you appear to be claiming that it's ok that the 'testing' took place after being administered to the general population...

As the old saying goes, 'there's one idiot jabbed every minute' ;)
I've seen the figures yes. It says 9 (suspected) deaths attributed to the covid jab. Nothing you have posted refutes that, no.
NZDSOS indeed, are you just drawn to all tinfoil hatter nonsense, however crazy it is?
Jab junkie loses the plot yet again...

I guess thalidomide and the blood contamination scandals were just 'tinfoil hatter nonsense' in your opinion then?

Looking forward to your next priceless come back :LOL:
I've done enough to help you out already...
You are utterly obsessed and can't bear it that the vaccine has been a resounding success and saved millions of lives.

If you don't want it, don't have it. Simples.
Why is that, stupid jab junkies?
You're being silly now.

And we are just going round in circles.

Are you denying that people ever suffered with COVID and many died?

I have had COVID twice. I have also had many a jab.

I KNOW that had I not had my COVID jabs, I would have been in great peril. As it was, I had a hairy time, with low SATS.
I KNOW that had I not had my COVID jabs, I would have been in great peril.
Tell us how you KNOW that...


And then tell us how you KNOW I made the wrong decision, and as a result of my decision why I didn't end up in 'great peril' !
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