COVID Was....

There hasn't been any objective analysis of the lives saved and lost as a result of the lockdowns, and such a thing probably wouldn't be possible while those that made the decisions at that time remain in positions of power. Even beyond this, government of any colour probably doesn't want to reveal any truth that may make the gullible public become cynical about the motives of government.

Labour pretty much cheered on all the government's decisions, in fact they just wanted more and more disruption right the way through, which they were constantly demanding.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of the decisions, the outcome would not have been very different if Labour had been in power.

Lockdown parties were ridiculous but it's unlikely they'll have any major lasting consequences, certainly nothing like the damaging lockdowns did anyway. Perhaps one effect may be that people are less willing to do as they're told next time around, perhaps this could be a good thing, if the public have finally woken up and demand respect from their leaders and will be less willing to accept authority and dodgy science.
So the 1 thing Boris did achieve was to finally kill all faith in Government.

The lockdown parties will therefore have long lasting consequences
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So the 1 thing Boris did achieve was to finally kill all faith in Government.

The lockdown parties will therefore have long lasting consequences
Tories in disarray over the Covid Enquiry (and other things) (Rishi and Boris still to come)
Labout in disarray over the Israel /Gaza issue.

Mmm, who to vote for?
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f the public have finally woken up and demand respect from their leaders and will be less willing to accept authority and dodgy science
It wasn’t dodgy science.

there was a nasty virus and no vaccine

lockdown measures were the only option.

it is easy to say in hindsight lockdowns weren’t necessary, but at the time there was no other option
Given that there were few dissenting voices and the opposing party agreed with pretty much every decision, it's likely that we'd have had the same outcome if any of the current squad of the political set were in charge
Not true

Labour wouldn’t have engaged massive fraudulent PPE contracts and VIP lanes.

Tories were filling their boots - decisions were based on how money they and their mates could squeeze out of it
Given that there were few dissenting voices and the opposing party agreed with pretty much every decision, it's likely that we'd have had the same outcome if any of the current squad of the political set were in charge.

I don't recall hearing Starmer questioning many or even any of the decisions made, in fact they mostly complained that they wanted more of everything the government did, including the pointless and damaging lockdowns.

The fact is that the country is very much poorer and health worse as a result, and this situation may not even be recoverable.
The Tories were behind the curve from the get-go. Ventilators - pfft, no money in them for the greedy grasping bastards. Dodgy PPE - by the bucket load, and currently filling out land-fill, quicker than you can say £60 million in my arse pocket please.
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