Deal or no deal

Has Boris got your Blessing

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Ah well here is another bunch of losers.:mrgreen:

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I take your point but reading the agreement, there's a lot of talk about following 'international standards' on workers rights, and food standards, there's little in the agreement that I can see that suggests Canada would be bound by EU law or rules on these matters, many of the terms seem more 'aspirational', the arbitration system is certainly not the European court ....
Yes, it goes further than some FTA's, but...only just, the terms certainly seem a lot less inhibitive than those the eu are trying to foist on us.
The deal with Canada is based on the current EU standards, which Canada are expected to observe and comply with, and it is based on something called "Regulatory cooperation", i.e. Canada maintains the current alignment with EU standards, and a discussion mechanism exists to deal with any future potential differences. Unilateral action by either party can cause invocation of penalties.
Theses 'standards' include all 'workers rights', 'environmental standards', 'food/hygiene standards', etc.

Canada has not displayed a willingness to break international treaties. The same cannot be said about the current UK government. Therefore it is only natural that EU wish to include a mechanism to prevent UK from repeating its treaty breaking behaviour, e.g. future dynamic alignment. You could say, "the UK brought it on themselves".

If you were trading with a partner, would you expect that partner to align their products with your current and future standards? Of course you would.
It that partner has demonstrated their trustworthiness, you might cut them some slack. The UK has demonstrated that they are quite willing to break international treaties. Moreover Boris has declared that the future of UK will be a low regulatory regime.
What does he expect?

As I said, if EU agree a 'current regulatory' deal with UK, and UK is seen to diverge from that regulatory cooperation, there will be many more countries lining up for a "UK Style" deal. The EU will have created its own current and future weapon for destroying the Single Market.
It cannot afford to do that. What UK are asking for is simply not available, unless a mechanism is in place to cover such eventualities that EU can foresee, and UK have declared (and demonstrated) to be its future behaviour.

That is why it is a disagreement of ideologies. It cannot be resolved, other than one party making compromises.
What? You bought the lie that was being sold - even when on the wrapper it had a big fat picture of Bojo with the words LIE in bright red. Sorry caveat emptor.

Also don't expect any support of Brexxers - they were willing to let NI go for sovereignty - the same bloc you relied on for union have thrown you under the bus.

Chin up lad. (y)
Fishing next to go under?
Then it's simply down to a clash of ideologies.
UK low regulatory framework, versus EU Single Market.
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EU contingency plans dependent on LPF agreement.
and the EU olive branch (the contingency plans) is dependent on the UK accepting key terms, including agreements on the increasingly famous "level playing field" - the very subject which is proving so divisive in the seemingly deadlocked trade talks.
If the UK does not agree to the level playing field, the contingency plans to keep planes flying and lorries moving between UK and EU will not apply.

So Armageddon may come to pass after all.
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What? You bought the lie that was being sold - even when on the wrapper it had a big fat picture of Bojo with the words LIE in bright red. Sorry caveat emptor.

Also don't expect any support of Brexxers - they were willing to let NI go for sovereignty - the same bloc you relied on for union have thrown you under the bus.

Chin up lad. (y)
Just have to wait and see how it all turns out.
Could be a no deal scenario on the cards.
As I said, thick as!

Ever heard of the Schengen area either?

Look it up as it will educate you :)

I'm not talking about Schengen, or the EEA or EFTA.
I'm saying Norway is not a member of the European Union.
I'm saying Norway is not a member of the European Union.

Are you saying now that you want the Norway option?

If Brexers had agreed on that four years ago they could have had it by now.

Unfortunately Brexers have never been able to agree on an option because all of them are worse than what we decided to throw away.
"Honda of the UK Manufacturing has confirmed to employees that production will not run on Wednesday 9 December due to transport-related parts delays."

"Congestion at England's ports is now so bad that some shipping firms have limited the amount of cargo they will bring to the UK.
Consignments have reportedly been offloaded at continental ports such as Antwerp, Rotterdam and Zeebrugge."
Another prime example of editing to suit your arguement above, I really pity you.
dum sees the community of European nations as a war, not a co-operative.
the action of surrendering to an opponent or powerful influence....
Where is war mentioned Jonnynobrain.
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