Double-jabbed people carry same levels of Covid as unvaccinated...

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That you use terms like that shows you are so far beyond reason that it would be pointless to even try using it with you.

Eradicate the freedom to spread lies which kill people?

All day long.
I couldn’t agree more regarding eradicating the freedom to spread lies which kill people. The MSM and Boris have a lot to answer for and should be held to account.
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I couldn’t agree more regarding eradicating the freedom to spread lies which kill people. The MSM and Boris have a lot to answer for and should be held to account.
Fine - lets hold them to account (including for Brexit lies), and shut you down.

Works for me.
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I also see that the uk medicines regulatory body has approved the first treatment in Britain using man made antibodies to treat coronavirus.
A medicine that uses monoclonal or man made antibodies that are cloned from white blood cells.
They act like NATURALLY produced human antibodies in the immune system to fight the virus.
So in other words the human body can already fight Covid.
Funny that :whistle::sneaky:
I also see that the uk medicines regulatory body has approved the first treatment in Britain using man made antibodies to treat coronavirus.
A medicine that uses monoclonal or man made antibodies that are cloned from white blood cells.
They act like NATURALLY produced human antibodies in the immune system to fight the virus.
So in other words the human body can already fight Covid.
Funny that :whistle::sneaky:

Have a read of this, it's even got pikturez . . . . It explains in language a 7yr old can understand, grab hold of a 7yr old to help you read it. I know it's from waaay back in March 2020, but it shows what we knew then, you could try & find it's recent equivalent to find out what we know now but that might confuse you.
I also see that the uk medicines regulatory body has approved the first treatment in Britain using man made antibodies to treat coronavirus.
A medicine that uses monoclonal or man made antibodies that are cloned from white blood cells.
They act like NATURALLY produced human antibodies in the immune system to fight the virus.
So in other words the human body can already fight Covid.
Funny that :whistle::sneaky:

Dude that's so wrong. Ronapreve is lab created and monoclonal does not mean man made.
Have a read of this, it's even got pikturez . . . . It explains in language a 7yr old can understand, grab hold of a 7yr old to help you read it. I know it's from waaay back in March 2020, but it shows what we knew then, you could try & find it's recent equivalent to find out what we know now but that might confuse you.
It seems spelling confuses you,pictures and way not picturez and waay.
Something ironic when you can’t even spell.
I also see that the uk medicines regulatory body has approved the first treatment in Britain using man made antibodies to treat coronavirus.
A medicine that uses monoclonal or man made antibodies that are cloned from white blood cells.
They act like NATURALLY produced human antibodies in the immune system to fight the virus.
So in other words the human body can already fight Covid.
Funny that :whistle::sneaky:
That's like saying that because most peoples bodies produce insulin, diabetics shouldn't need to inject it.

Or that giving people blood transfusions is pointless because people make their own blood anyway.
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