Double-jabbed people carry same levels of Covid as unvaccinated...

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You are not telling the truth.

You have a problem knowing what truth is.

Are you Boris Johnson?
Maybe he is a textbook example of dunning-kruger.

Maybe he really does think that his level of cognisance is typical of the rest of the world.

Maybe he is so afflicted that he genuinely cannot see that what he believes is utter loony nonsense.
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The viral load carried by the jabbed is the same as the unjabbed
The viral load carried by the minority of those of the jabbed who still go on to become infected with one particular variant is the same as the unjabbed.

There - fixed it for you.

indicating that they are just as good at infecting others.
indicating that they are just as good at infecting others.

"The researchers said they were not sure whether high viral loads would translate into the same levels of transmission for vaccinated and unvaccinated people because the fully jabbed may clear the virus quicker and so be infectious for a shorter period of time."

There - fixed it for you.
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Of course he would. And he wears and mask and is careful not to put himself at risk. He just pretends to be a brave anti-vaxxer covid denier.
It’s unlike you to lie and make things up pink banjo.
Oh wait a minute,
Quick pink banjo your being made to look like a fool YET AGAIN.
call you side kick notch and launch operation thread shutdown.!!
So let me see if Ive got this right.

People who for no reasons except mad inventions are frightened of a vaccine against a virus which at least one of them (even more irrationally) doesnt even believe exists anyway, reference an article which they believe vindicates their rejection of a vital public-health intiative, by selectively quoting from it and cunningly ignoring the parts which say

Delta variant blamed for rise in viral load as study suggests fully jabbed could be as capable of passing on virus as non-immunised

even the fully jabbed carry high levels of the virus if they become infected and are also more likely to be symptomatic than vaccinated people who pick up an alpha infection.

The results suggest those who are fully jabbed could be as capable of passing on Covid as the unvaccinated, although they are less likely to pick up the virus in the first place.

"Two doses are still protective. You are still less likely to get infected, but if you do you will have similar levels of virus as someone who hasn't been vaccinated at all."

The researchers said they were not sure whether high viral loads would translate into the same levels of transmission for vaccinated and unvaccinated people because the fully jabbed may clear the virus quicker and so be infectious for a shorter period of time.

However, Prof Walker added: "The fact that they can have high levels of virus suggests that people who aren't yet vaccinated may not be as protected from the delta variant as we hoped.

"I suspect the higher levels of the virus in vaccinated people are consistent with the fact that unvaccinated people are still going to be at high risk."

the study showed the jabs are still helpful in preventing an infection in the first place, which will have a role in stopping transmission.

Prof Walker said that even if the jabs did not stop transmission, they were likely to prevent hospitalisation and death.

"There are lots of reasons why the vaccines may be very good at reducing the consequences of having the virus," she added. "You may well still have a milder infection and might not end up getting hospitalised.

Prof Paul Hunter, professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia, said: "We now know that vaccination will not stop infection and transmission, although they do reduce the risk.

Actually, not really that cunning.

And they thought they would get away with it?

Is there something wrong with them, or is it just simply that they assume their own level of intelligence and capacity for rational thought matches everybody elses?
You keep mentioning being afraid.
Your the one who wears a pointless mask,uses sanitizer,gets a pointless jab,follows the every word of Boris and the MSM,all regarding a so called killer virus and yet I do none of the above regarding a so called killer virus.
So think about it.
Who exactly is the one who is afraid. :rolleyes::LOL:
you mean you plucked it from your mind?

might not be in the report at all. Looks like you invented it and it is not true.

No it is what was said.

Also I have mentioned the reduction in time when vaccinated infected people can infect others several times before and the reasoning that is thought to make this happen.

All that was reported on the TV was the viral load aspects and the other things I mentioned.

However for better understanding of what is being said go to the report which contains this

And read it
What message are you hoping to convey with your pictures?

Have you found support for your earlier assertion?

indicating that they are just as good at infecting others.
The reason this has been dug up is reducing the sensitivity of the NHS app. It indicates that this shouldn't be done as during the incubation period all are more or less equally infective.

However real world may show different.
Have you found support for your earlier assertion?

I haven't asserted anything at all.Just mentioned a report. However I have bothered to dig out the actual report rather than just reading a daily rag on the web.

Is the report too much for your brain?
The reason this has been dug up is reducing the sensitivity of the NHS app. It indicates that this shouldn't be done as during the incubation period all are more or less equally infective.

However real world may show different.

This is not a simple assertion to make, for instance how would you clarify this within certain groups, for instance children - when we know very little about how their immune system works practically.

For instance even the relative size of their nose seems to have an astonishing effect on susceptibility... Let alone any more complex dynamics.
If you make a claim, it's up to you to prove it.

Nobody else.

Is that fact too much for your brain?
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