out of intrest, what speekers and amps are you using? What speaker cable you using?
And for you all that think he is mad! I was working at a big place where the guy had the manufactores installing the stereo (cant remember the make) but they had the sparky running i think 6 lots of 10mm cable to power each part of the stereo. I got speaking to them and each speaker was costing 25k
the amps set him back 100k and the speaker cable on its own came in at a shocking 50k which ran to every room in the house!
It was finally finished and i asked for a demo off the guy, was expecting to have to be belted into a seat to stop myself being blown across the room LOL.
Anyway he fired it up and told me i had to wait 15 minutes for it to warm up
After 15 mins he called me into the main room and told me to sit down, he put an old record on (didn't know you could get them anymore) he turned it up a little and said what do you think??? (i had my portable stereo on louder for the last week) Confused i said how come you play it so quiet and he replied " its not built to be loud"
I must say tho that the sound was unreal, never heard anything so clear and precise in my life.
The bit that peed me off tho was that i worked my ****** off getting the place ready in time, working to gone 9pm most nights and for a whole week, He never even give me tip for my extra work, but can spend 50k on cable without thinking about it!