Mr Andrew Wakefield = A fraud and a liar.
Gasbanni is quite clearly trolling, unless he/she lacks the intelligence to tell a fraud from they balance of evidence. There is a heap of evidence out there to show MMR is safe.
What when the bma was overruled on the very subject and their argument was found to be in error ? you seriously need to read up on it.
The other Co author was completely exonerated and re instated but wakefields professional indemnity would fund it, the other professor chaps would.
You really need to read up on the subject.
Where in the links discussing the fact that Dr Walker-Smith was re instated does it discuss the link between autism and the MMR jab?
Oh right, it doesn't. Because him being struck off (and Wakefield) was
nothing to do with the claims about MMR and Autism.
MR Andrew Wakefield had plenty of money (enough to attempt libel action against The Times and Channel 4) to fight his corner, but he didn't, probably because he knew he would lose.
The reason he was struck off was not the postulated link between autism and the MMR jab, it was the unethical, immoral experiments he conducted on children without oversight from the Ethics board.
Gasbanni- if you are going to post about such things, you really need to do some
proper reading. Not conspiracy websites that don't understand the science. None of the papers you posted yesterday support your hypothesis. Most of the papers in the above link are completely unrelated or have serious flaws.
Lets take Japan as an example. They stopped using the MMR jab in the early 90s. Since this is the case, you would expect autism diagnoses to have slowed down, or stopped.
Oh wait, they have continued to grow at a FASTER rate than before they stopped using the jab. Funny that. Its as if there is something else causing autism.
As previously stated, Wakefield had a vested interest in bad mouthing the single jab, as he had founded a company that was set to offer the triple jab and make lots of money.
He isn't some lone voice crusader for the truth. He is a crook. Plain and simple.