A few years ago I attended a meeting where people were objecting to a new McD near me, they complained that we would see an increase in rubbish (and we did).
We also however saw an increase in the jobs, somewhere for our youths to go in the evening, a Brownfield site being used and the outlet is always very busy (little competition around here).
Thing is, all the rubbish you see near McDonalds outlets is not put there by McDonalds.
It IS put there by their customers, by the public who use them.
The lazy arsed barstewards that just discard their fast food wrappings for someone else to pick up, so it does not matter if it's McD, KFC, BK or any other fast food outlet.
It's the people not the outlet.
A perfect place to station a litter warden, to issue fines to teach them a lesson.