About the significance of ACC.Never agree with them about what?
And thousands of experts agree that ACC is, and for many decades has been, the dominant cause of global warming.I certainly agree that 'ACC' exists, that it inevitably has some impact on climate and, indeed, that it relates, or potentially relates, to a lot of other human activities in addition to the burning of fossil fuel (although that is probably the predominant component).
For how much longer, and with what degree of forcefulness, and what degree of unanimity, would all these experts have to keep on saying it before you agree that they are right?
Those who do know about it say otherwise.I do not think we know enough to know, let alone be certain, as some people seem to be, that all recent (and predicted future) climate change is the consequence of 'ACC'
There is no published evidence from climatologists which would support that suspicion.I strongly suspect that most of the "people with real expertise in the subject" field would probably agree with me.
Maybe not.To use a recently discussed abbreviation, one does not need to be an "SME" to understand what interpretations of available data are scientifically 'water-tight' - Scientific Method is Scientific Method, whatever the subject/discipline.
But one does need to understand how hydrocarbons combust, and one does need to not be a swivel-eyed loony who thinks that several hundred government and scientific bodies have suborned thousands of scientists into a communist conspiracy to control the world.