Electric or safety razor?

JulieL said:
ban-all-sheds said:
very odd to shave the hair from their legs or genital area?

In my opinion having seeing plenty of 'genital areas'.........shaving or hair removal in this area is very common - I started to observe this happening since the early 90's - it seems to be the fashionable thing to do.
Indeed I would say that more don't have hair there than do.
So that`s what my barber does when singeing customers :eek:
Nige F said:
If my razor was for shaving my genitalia.....it wouldn`t be called a cut- throat, would it? :eek: :LOL: :LOL:
Or, as this has just reminded me of some lyrics by Tom Lehrer:

Soon we'll be out, amid the cold world's strife
Soon we'll be sliding down the razor blade of life
In catering beards are generally a no-no. And some busy chefs actually shave their heads totally bald for good measure.

I try to keep it to shaving Mon-Wed-Thurs, but I really need to shave everyday now. I work with a guy in his 50s who has no facial hair other than a couple of tufty bits where sideburns would grow.

Has anyone ever tried Immac on their face? I just wonder what it would do.

As to the lower-shaving: I thought all British women (certainly unmarried ones) were staunch advocates of the short back-and-sides? Yay Brazilian!

And for the male equivalent... who hasn't got drunk and wondered what it would look like? It happened at uni, got rather smashed with a "friendly" blonde, and for some reason (?!?!) we decided that it would be a fun thing to do... and I have to say it looked rather like skin-on chicken breast!!! :LOL:
AdamW said:
In catering beards are generally a no-no. And some busy chefs actually shave their heads totally bald for good measure.
Doesn't it get in the food? :eek:
I wonder if A got down to a little mutual 'sandpapering' with the accomodating blonde?
AdamW said:
As to the lower-shaving: I thought all British women (certainly unmarried ones) were staunch advocates of the short back-and-sides? Yay Brazilian!

:eek: Blimey, Modern life, eh !! Wasn't like that ten years ago when I was last 'on the scene', I can tell you.

When considering switching to an electric razor, make sure that you take Part P into consideration.
pipme said:
I wonder if A got down to a little mutual 'sandpapering' with the accomodating blonde?

I didn't take up DIY until after uni so there was no sandpapering involved. :LOL:

I am now informed that a "Hollywood" is where they take it all off, as opposed to the "racing-stripe" Brazilian.
AdamW said:
I am now informed that a "Hollywood" is where they take it all off, as opposed to the "racing-stripe" Brazilian.

Brazilian is the most common term used in the UK.
When you go to get this done you need to check that the salons do this......as not all do :oops:

Whether you ask for a 'Hollywood' or a 'Brazilian' you are still asked whether you want all the hair removed or little tufts left....or all of the hair removed including that on the perineum (ouch! :cry: )

You can also have a template put onto the pubic area which can leave only a certain shape of hair when the waxing is done eg a heart shape
.......they will also dye the hair as well if you want!

It's now cool for men to have this done as well........how about it Adam!!!? ;) :LOL: :LOL:
I had to get my father an electric razor while he was in Hospital recently ,
Top Boss one at nearly £200,I tried it,it pinched an wasnt nice on less than a days growth , red smarting raw afterwards

all right with plenty of skin balm lathered on after i suppose but not as good as a Gillette mach 3

What I want to know Is WHAt HAPPENED TO Moustaches ???

I had a classic one in my twenties an looked like Gary Oldman In the Film ,The FIRM


I would love to have a tache again but dont fancy being mistaken as a Gayer ...lol :)
JulieL said:
Brazilian is the most common term used in the UK.
When you go to get this done you need to check that the salons do this......as not all do :oops:

Whether you ask for a 'Hollywood' or a 'Brazilian' you are still asked whether you want all the hair removed or little tufts left....or all of the hair removed including that on the perineum (ouch! :cry: )

You can also have a template put onto the pubic area which can leave only a certain shape of hair when the waxing is done eg a heart shape
.......they will also dye the hair as well if you want!

It's now cool for men to have this done as well........how about it Adam!!!? ;) :LOL: :LOL:

They DYE the hair? Seeing as most (if not all) people are darker down there, this would involve bleaching first... isn't that a tad painful? :LOL:

Not sure I would want me "Humber Bridge" waxed, but I would certainly be willing to undergo a back-crack-sack for that special lady. At least once, anyway. :eek:

Julie, perhaps you could take a lesson from the Del Boy school of marketing: whilst you have the ladies in the stirrups, offer a wax. I'll bet many women would be glad to be able to get both jobs done at once instead of having to expose themselves to the draft twice. :LOL:

"Smear, wash and wax, while you wait" :eek: :LOL:
kendor said:
AdamW said:
In catering beards are generally a no-no. And some busy chefs actually shave their heads totally bald for good measure.
Doesn't it get in the food? :eek:

Yeah, and if they're busy, when do they find the time..?