Using an electric shaver?

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I use a Wilkinson Sword razor, new ish blade and a Gillette gel, i’m not sure if that is for sensitive.

She doesn’t mind how I am but she knows the dry skin annoys me. Maybe I fix that the shaving will fix itself.

If I use any sort of fragranced moisturiser it irritates my skin. I’ve got something called Zerobase in the van and on a cold day after shaving I slap plenty of that on for the drive home. If I put it on before work it makes me sweat loads.
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The way I use my electric shaver (foil, not rotary) is to shave dry, then go over it again with gel. When I went from wet to electric it was itchy for a while, then settled down after a few shaves, same happens if I have a wet shave now, it itches for a while.
Plan B:

Take a step back and ask yourself (assuming that you don't) why you don't shave your head, your legs, your arms, your armpits, your chest, your eyebrows, your pubes....
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