Using an electric shaver?

DP (in fact most people), can see and reach areas that few others apart from themselves can see and reach.
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Which do you, all or nothing?
The latter.

But that's not really relevant.

DP is the one commenting disparagingly about people who don't shave the same parts of their bodies as he, so it does behove him to say which parts of his he does, and does not shave, and then to explain why, in a logical and reasoned way. If he can't, then his disparagement of people different to him is just one more example of unreasoned bias and evidence-free policy making.
Thread revival!
After my 'finishing' electric shaver packed up, I got an early Christmas present yesterday. Seems good so far (bloody ought to be at that price) but then I find they ALL seem good at first. I’m convinced your whiskers adapt to dodge whatever shaver you use on a regular basis. Time will tell but it’s supposed to be the best on the market. Aren’t they all! :rolleyes:
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Thread revival!
After my 'finishing' electric shaver packed up, I got an early Christmas present yesterday. Seems good so far (bloody ought to be at that price) but then I find they ALL seem good at first. I’m convinced your whiskers adapt to dodge whatever shaver you use on a regular basis. Time will tell but it’s supposed to be the best on the market. Aren’t they all! :rolleyes:
Just got this, not used it yet, but if it's half as good as my old Panasonic, it will be great
Does anyone else get big twigs growing from their face? I get them about 4 times thicker than a hair and they pull out easy. Will take a pic next time I get one.
Does anyone else get big twigs growing from their face? I get them about 4 times thicker than a hair and they pull out easy. Will take a pic next time I get one.

No, but my kids and missus think I have twenties growing out of my 'arris :eek:
No twigs but I seem to have the ability to grow a big thick hair or two overnight on the top of my right ear. Never the left one, always the right one. (n)
Thread revival!
After my 'finishing' electric shaver packed up, I got an early Christmas present yesterday. Seems good so far (bloody ought to be at that price) but then I find they ALL seem good at first. I’m convinced your whiskers adapt to dodge whatever shaver you use on a regular basis. Time will tell but it’s supposed to be the best on the market. Aren’t they all! :rolleyes:
Second thread revival. As I suspected, performance has tailed off after 18 months or so. However, 6 months ago I was having a tidy out and I found the original box it came with. Inside the box was a clean and charge station and a cartridge of fluid. I had never used that - it cleans and lubricates the blades. You are also supposed to rinse the head under running water with the razor running after every use! Anyway, the instructions say to change the blade head after 18 months of 'proper' use. I’d been using it dry for a year so the blades weren’t exactly as good as new. I bought a new foil head yesterday, £35, and now it’s back as good as new - good gawd, you can’t half tell the difference! Lesson learned, I’ll look after it this time. :whistle:
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