Electrics in detached garage

Far more going on here than is being stated. ...
Ah - so, as I recently asked him, there are things we haven't been told!

... and I have to wonder how often the garage door caused 'a noise nuisance'. My other half just looked at this thread and said "Victor Meldrew" :)
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living with it is quite simply a nightmare even my extrovert friends have said they wouldn’t put up with the noise and nuisance having seen it first hand.
This was the clue that the issue was more nuisance /disturbance than electrical, probably more a GD topic.
As others have recently said, the goalposts keep moving and I, for one, am far from clear as to who is concerned about what, and why!
Indeed . We seem to be getting dribs and drabs about the situation. My suggestion like one where a vested interest (the OPs insurer) could be an open gambit for the OP or some Inspector to gain access for a reasonable reason that could be used and avoiding giving offence then the OP might be able to ascertain what is stored there etc as an "innocent" byproduct of such inspection/enquiries.
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Indeed . We seem to be getting dribs and drabs about the situation. My suggestion like one where a vested interest (the OPs insurer) could be an open gambit for the OP or some Inspector to gain access for a reasonable reason that could be used and avoiding giving offence then the OP might be able to ascertain what is stored there etc as an "innocent" byproduct of such inspection/enquiries.
Indeed, but it's increasingly seeming to be the case that nothing (sensible) would probably please him. He seems to have a problem with this garage above which he lives having noisy doors, containing domestic appliances (or an electricity supply to power them), containing flammable substances, people going in and out 'too often' etc. etc., but presumably he would have to accept the situation if there was a car in there, full of petrol, lithium batteries or, conceivably, even hydrogen :)

He, as freeholder, seems to be happy with having the garage under leasehold ownership by someone else, but seemingly only if they don't do anything with or in it ;)

... and, yes, I am probably getting 'less kind' in my comments - but that's seemingly becoming increasingly justifiable!

Kind Regards,
Indeed, but it's increasingly seeming to be the case that nothing (sensible) would probably please him. He seems to have a problem with this garage above which he lives having noisy doors, containing domestic appliances (or an electricity supply to power them), containing flammable substances, people going in and out 'too often' etc. etc., but presumably he would have to accept the situation if there was a car in there, full of petrol, lithium batteries or, conceivably, even hydrogen :)

He, as freeholder, seems to be happy with having the garage under leasehold ownership by someone else, but seemingly only if they don't do anything with or in it ;)

... and, yes, I am probably getting 'less kind' in my comments - but that's seemingly becoming increasingly justifiable!

Kind Regards,
Yes John, I am in total agreement with there, I am wondering if we have attracted another Troll, or someone intransigent or something, if Cate007 is still there please will you enlighten us to your actual concerns, we are only too willing to help anyone with genuine questions and there are some excellent participants who try to achieve that aim for posters?
Yes John, I am in total agreement with there, I am wondering if we have attracted another Troll, or someone intransigent or something,
I really don't think he's a 'troll'. I strongly suspect that everything he writes is a genuine and sincere reflection of how he thinks and "how he is" - and I imagine that most of us have met, or known of, a good few people who "are like that".
if Cate007 is still there ...
We obviously don't know whether he is. He may take the (not unreasonable) view that when people start talking/writing "about the OP", rather thsn "to the OP", the time has come when they should withdraw. Of course, some do the opposite and start agressively defending themself - but this OP's limited ''defending' has been pretty polite.
... please will you enlighten us to your actual concerns, we are only too willing to help anyone with genuine questions and there are some excellent participants who try to achieve that aim for posters?
Quite so. As I've said, I think that everyone contributing to this thread started by trying to give constructive responses/advice, but then goalposts kept moving and it became (at least for me) increasingly unclear as to who was really concerned about what, and why, and what the OP really actually wanted/hoped the outcome would be.

On the basis of what little we know, perhaps the thing which confuses me most is why the OP put himself in this position in the first place. He clearly has a lot of major concerns/problems relating to a whole variety of things going on in the garage, under separate 'ownership'(but with him being the freeholder) which is situated below his home. If that is the case, why did he buy a home that had a garage he didn't want to use himself below it, and then allow some third party to buy the leasehold of that garage?

Kind Regards, John
Cate007 - please come back to us so that we may understand your concerns properly, we want to help with matters Electric to the best of our abilities for the sake of safety, convenience and understanding, we have a large pool of info delivered by trades and DIY alike and a large collective of experience with qualifications aplenty too. We attempt to make it available to all who seek it for the greater good of all who seek it.

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