Electrocuted by a screw.

securespark said:
Wot's UDI?

Ian Smith's white minority Rhodesian Front government.
November 11, 1965, unilaterally declared that country independent from British rule, this became known as the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) by the Rhodesian Government.
Internationally the action was condemned and Rhodesia was put on international sanctions from 1965 to independence as Zimbabwe in 1980.

Oh, how power corrupts !!
Strangely prophetic .... a Rhodesian born white lecturer of mine from those days prophesised the demise of the country under majority rule.
Back to thread .... was electrified by one, once or twice ... I think !
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Electrified? By a lecturer? Gosh, you must have been a star pupil..!
securespark said:
Electrified? By a lecturer? Gosh, you must have been a star pupil..!

Nah ! Not lecturer ! Just changed your thread subject heading, 'rified' replacing 'rocuted' in elect context. But then, whatever turns you on !
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pipme said:
Back to thread .... was electrified by one, once or twice ... I think !
Well - when you rebel against the state you should not be surprised to get that sort of treatment when imprisoned. We live in an increasingly fascist police state, and this sort of thing will only become more widespread.
Oh, dear .... I was, being facetious, (as usual).
Actually being a little risque, read lay for screw !! IYSWIM.
One's rebellious days are long gone now .... Hot air maybe .... But pretty much a conformist.
Closest I came to the State was signing into the official secrets act.

Secrets ? No option really, job requirement.
You know, when one carries out life's inventory ... It has not been so bad ... Bought the odd house and attracted the usual detritus of life.

We'll be a long time 'looking at the old lid' secrets or no secrets.

The Official Secrets Act is no problem if you are a civil servant... After all, the number of times that various civil servants have breached it "because they thought it was the right thing to do.".

Honestly, I am all for knowing what is going on in the government but there are some things that are kept from the public domain for good reason!
The OSA is a pernicious piece of legislation.

It is routinely used to cover up incompetence, malfeasance and illegal acts on the part of the state and its various organs.

It has no place in a democratic society.
ban-all-sheds said:
The OSA is a pernicious piece of legislation.

It is routinely used to cover up incompetence, malfeasance and illegal acts on the part of the state and its various organs.

It has no place in a democratic society.

What it has been used for, and what it is intended for, are different things.

Even in a democratic society a level of secrecy is required for certain things. In a perfect world we wouldn't need it as there would be no nations, we would all live happily as one people. But until Satan ice-skates to work, this will not be happening.

Now, whether or not it has been used to hide incompetence and illegality, I do not know. But I do know that there are things that you and I have no need, and no right, to know. For example, why would you need to know the frequencies of a UK radar system? You don't. I don't. The only people who NEED to know it are those who designed it, and those (on the other side) who are designing counter measures against it. I would rather only the former knew this!!!
AdamW said:
What it has been used for, and what it is intended for, are different things.
Given its definitions, I would say that it is intended to be used the way that it has been.

Now, whether or not it has been used to hide incompetence and illegality, I do not know.
Yes you do.

But I do know that there are things that you and I have no need, and no right, to know. For example, why would you need to know the frequencies of a UK radar system? You don't. I don't. The only people who NEED to know it are those who designed it, and those (on the other side) who are designing counter measures against it. I would rather only the former knew this!!!
I agree that there is a justifiable need to keep certain things secret. I do not agree that the current OSA is the right way to go about it, as it has such blanket coverage, it makes so many things "secret" that should not be, and it removes (unsuccessfully in some cases) the "Public Interest" defence.

OOI - in terms of radar, who are "the other side"?
ban-all-sheds said:
OOI - in terms of radar, who are "the other side"?

Who knows!!! But as the last 100 years have shown, the guys who are your enemies one minute are your allies the next... and vice versa.
plugwash said:

if the nail caused a live-earth short it should have taken out the mcb

and anything that wouldn't take out the mcb should not cause a dangerous voltage on the earth

I'm sorry Plugwash, but this is poo poo, even B-type MCB's take more than 3 times there rated current to blow, this is probably 150 amp+ in a shower unit, I think 150 amps would definatley hurt most of us.

I do however find it hard to believe the guy didn't have a pre-consumer unit RCD installed!!!!

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