Engelbert's back

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awwww.....my mum (rip) loved Englebert!

cliff gives me the creeps......
He's 75 now though, what's he gonna sing "I had the last breath with you" ?
hahaha.....i guess he has some appeal for ladies of a certain age....old age...... :D

dont they usually run some dumb competition to see who will sing for the UK?
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I think they used to didn't they? Though I usually make a point of taking no notice of all things eurovision, seeing Engleberts name pop up intrigued me a bit though. Though not enough to watch it of course.
I find it hard to believe that the Eurovision is still going. It really is bloody awful.
we ....the uk...that is, have a guaranteed place.....coz we pay so much towards it.. :rolleyes:

but yep..........it is utter tripe!
Who's watching it then Di? I mean the Beeb run it every single year, surely it must have a large viewing audience?
i know people who throw parties when its on....cheesy affairs....fancy dress....flag waving weird affairs.....think its seen as shabby chic....doesnt boil my potatoes in any shape or form tho!
eurovision is brilliant...... if you take it for what it is! (a pile of ****e!!)
eurovision is brilliant...... if you take it for what it is! (a pile of s***te!!)

So really what you're saying is, it's so bad it's good!!

The best part of it used to be Terry Wogan's commentary.

On the Englebert entry, he might as well do it, at 75, it can't ruin his career - can it?

Makes a change from entering some young sacrificial lamb.
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